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The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Shiiiiiit - just cancelled my preorder 😧
Oh no sorry mate he literally text me this morning 😧 Can you cancel the cancellation?

I didn't give him a decision yesterday unfortunately because I only saw your post this morning. Really sorry about that mate, I wish I told him I'd definitely have them now!


ClioSport Club Member
Oh no sorry mate he literally text me this morning 😧 Can you cancel the cancellation?

I didn't give him a decision yesterday unfortunately because I only saw your post this morning. Really sorry about that mate, I wish I told him I'd definitely have them now!
No worries mate, no need to apologise! It's not your fault and these things happen :smile: I'll just have to wait a bit longer for the GPU I want (or look to buy an alternative).


ClioSport Club Member
Just upgraded my monitor to a 32" 16:9 job, really pleased with it. Not the most high end display by any means but properly immersive for shooters and racing games. I got a Dell 34" ultrawide at work a few months back and coming home to a poxy 24" 16:9 monitor was doing my head in!

If you're looking for a good sized screen without spending a fortune HP Omen 32" is well worth a look IMO. 2560x1440 works really well on that size without completely murdering older graphics cards - I'm running an ASUS Strix GTX 970 and it's holding up absolutely fine.


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Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Anybody know what kind of idle/average/on load temps I should be seeing from a non-OC'd i7-4770k? As it stands, it's probably hovering around 35-40C idle, averages around 40-45C with some internet browsing, watching youtube etc. and then probably high 50's, maybe into the 60's sometimes when gaming. That's using a hyper 212 evo cooler and some half decent thermal paste.

Never bothered me before because it's not reaching anywhere near unsafe temps but I can't help but think it could be lower? I'm sure my previous AMD processor idled cooler lol. Trying to work out if it's really worth removing to reapply the thermal paste or whether to just leave it as is.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Lol - looks similar in dimensions to the Zotac 1080 I installed in my nephew's PC. That thing actually started to bend under its own weight on the overhang. Managed to cable-tie it straight - looks awful, but does the job.


ClioSport Club Member
Lol - looks similar in dimensions to the Zotac 1080 I installed in my nephew's PC. That thing actually started to bend under its own weight on the overhang. Managed to cable-tie it straight - looks awful, but does the job.
I have to admit I'm a little concerned due to the weight! I might have to look into knocking-up some sort of scaffolding in there :tonguewink:


ClioSport Club Member
FFS :(
Just sent the 'old' 1080 GTX off to its new home... and find my 1080 Ti is faulty. Exactly the same issues as I had with my 980 Ti - blacking out of the display and flickering. Annoyed. Extremely.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Just sent the 'old' 1080 GTX off to its new home... and find my 1080 Ti is faulty. Exactly the same issues as I had with my 980 Ti - blacking out of the display and flickering. Annoyed. Extremely.
Andy - it's not the spec of your GSync cable is it? I had black screens aplenty when using DisplayPort initially on my PC. Swapped the cable for another and it's been flawless since.

Unlikely - but it's worth a shot before the hassle of returning it.
  Yaris Hybrid
Yeah I've seen that with G-Sync. It's similar to what I've found with my PS4 Pro and HDMI 2.0 leads. Anything over a couple of meters (I needed a 3 meter cable) and 90% of cables don't work.

I found a Display Port cable that worked in the end thank god by carefully reading Amazon reviews. Cost me though...

In all cases I identified the problem by using the lead that came in the box with the monitor. Had to move my monitor off the table to get the cable to reach but the shorter packaged cable worked fine so I knew where the problem was originating.


ClioSport Club Member
Andy - it's not the spec of your GSync cable is it? I had black screens aplenty when using DisplayPort initially on my PC. Swapped the cable for another and it's been flawless since.

Unlikely - but it's worth a shot before the hassle of returning it.

Yeah I've seen that with G-Sync. It's similar to what I've found with my PS4 Pro and HDMI 2.0 leads. Anything over a couple of meters (I needed a 3 meter cable) and 90% of cables don't work.

I found a Display Port cable that worked in the end thank god by carefully reading Amazon reviews. Cost me though...

In all cases I identified the problem by using the lead that came in the box with the monitor. Had to move my monitor off the table to get the cable to reach but the shorter packaged cable worked fine so I knew where the problem was originating.
Thanks for the suggestion gentlemen but I've already tried 3 cables (good quality cables) and have the same issue 😧 I have the same issue whether running through DVI-D, DisplayPort or HDMI 😧 Tried the usual re-seating of the card, etc. but to no avail. I may have to borrow a friend's GPU whilst I get this RMA'd.

Thanks again chaps.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for the suggestion gentlemen but I've already tried 3 cables (good quality cables) and have the same issue 😧 I have the same issue whether running through DVI-D, DisplayPort or HDMI 😧 Tried the usual re-seating of the card, etc. but to no avail. I may have to borrow a friend's GPU whilst I get this RMA'd.

Thanks again chaps.
Balls. Good to see that you've tried all the likely suspects though.

Any idea what temporary GPU you'll be on in the meantime?


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry mate, already had a buyer lined up since the moment I mentioned I was looking to sell it all those weeks ago. I'll give you first dibs when I come to sell the (new and working) 1080 Ti :tongueout:

Any idea what temporary GPU you'll be on in the meantime?
Sadly I don't have onboard VGA or an iGPU but I have had a few friends offer their old GPUs - so I have a choice of Quadro K4000 or GTX 970 (x2). I don't mind missing out on a few days gaming but I need the PC to run my business (seeing as it's also my primary workstation).

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Sorry mate, already had a buyer lined up since the moment I mentioned I was looking to sell it all those weeks ago. I'll give you first dibs when I come to sell the (new and working) 1080 Ti :tongueout:

Sadly I don't have onboard VGA or an iGPU but I have had a few friends offer their old GPUs - so I have a choice of Quadro K4000 or GTX 970 (x2). I don't mind missing out on a few days gaming but I need the PC to run my business (seeing as it's also my primary workstation).

I take it you went for the Quadro then? Or did the SLi'ing of the 970s win you over? :)


ClioSport Club Member
Apparently I have a Quadro card in my new laptop

Edit: M1000M. I think it has just enough power to play Solitaire


ClioSport Club Member
I take it you went for the Quadro then? Or did the SLi'ing of the 970s win you over? :smile:
Neither in the end mate... EVGA are awesome. I received the new GPU yesterday, ran a quick couple of 'tests' with both cards in SLI, and then sent the faulty one back this morning :smile: Job done. The PC was running nice and cool (during SLI 'testing') but, f**k me, the heat in the office after only half an hour was unbearable!!! FLOL!

Apparently I have a Quadro card in my new laptop

Edit: M1000M. I think it has just enough power to play Solitaire
Solitaire? You'll be lucky... unless you drop the settings to Low and turn off antialiasing... :tongueout:

Damn, was hoping you'd say no partly :smiley: lol. Pm incoming
Gimme gimme gimme :tongueout:


ClioSport Club Member
So... the faulty GPU has been returned and the new GPU is happily up and running... but...

Andy - it's not the spec of your GSync cable is it? I had black screens aplenty when using DisplayPort initially on my PC. Swapped the cable for another and it's been flawless since.

Well, all the DisplayPorts seem to work just fine without issue with both of my 'certified' cables. Likewise, the HDMI connection seems just fine too. However, the DVI-D connection has the same (or very similar) flickering issue to the faulty card I've just returned! However, in this case, I do think it's down to a dodgy cable and I don't actually use the DVI-D connector so... happy days.


ClioSport Club Member
I have a bonus coming the end of this month..

Edit: If you still have it by then I'd definitely be interested. My i5-3570k/DDR3 combo is getting a bit long in the tooth at this point. 5 years use isn't bad


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah but it s***s itself if you try and play anything 4K video, and really isn't a fan of multitasking too many things

Just reading up a bit of the Ryzen chips.. seems AMD have come on leaps and bounds. Are they really that close now?
  Evo 5 RS
It's not so bad now, but the platform was an absolute mess 3 months ago. Weak IMC and poorer IPC than BWE but priced to suit. Not a lot to be said about it really. It's better than what we're used to from them, I guess would be the best description lol


ClioSport Club Member
I was 'late' getting my first pc, built it from bits with an Athalon 650, was a beast at the time :)


ClioSport Club Member
@Silent_Scone just seen your post on MM.. bloody hell it's difficult selling on there

Also was looking at GPU stock.. seems everywhere is running dry atm.. another mining epidemic?
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