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the worst clio

Pazs isnt that bad.. its just got everything and everything piled into it.. speaking of which, apparently my mate saw it the other day round here.. so I guess its been sold.

It has EVERYTHING.. and I think on a small Clio, its a bit much.. imo.

  350z & 16v Maxi

I hate Pazs old Clio, IMHO it is a disgrace to Clios. That one at the top is nice except for the spolier, nice wide arch kit!!!
  172 M69 eater

i think pazs clio is ok hes got another car now hes sold it i think.

wtf are those wing mirrors on that myneer?

sounds odd but i love that hulk graphic on the back of that clio!! lol

Quote: Originally posted by patty on 14 April 2003

i think pazs clio is ok hes got another car now hes sold it i think.

wtf are those wing mirrors on that myneer?

sounds odd but i love that hulk graphic on the back of that clio!! lol
:confused: each to their own :confused:


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

is it me or in the first pic of the unincredible hulk does it look like the spoiler is soooo heavey its lifting the front of the clio up ???


oh btw mynheer cars are stand off cars meaning when stood a large distance away from them they look ok but as u get clos u see the filler in the body work the cracks on the joins etc :D
  172 M69 eater

haha i know its bad but i wouldnt do that to my poor clio

that mynheer kits a disgrace and for £1829 is a bargain!!

  BMW 320d Sport

LOL all the show-goers get to see the messy feature cars up close! Last year we clocked that Pazs Clio at Donny & Donny South, and that was pretty untidy. The only quality was the cage inside, seriously, everything else was flimsy and bodged. Then there was the Incredible Bulk yesterday on one of the stands at Donny, and HOT DIGGETY DAMN that is well ropey when you get up close, piss stains on the seats, paper thin bumpers that are about to crack, uneven gaps in the panels everywhere. The only good thing is that the paint isnt badly done, not my style, but it is well executed. There were a couple of really tidy Clios there, the best was Mikes with a PSG bumper (???sorry if youre reading and I got your name wrong!), really spot on, not a bodge to be seen, just quality and subtlety all the way.
