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The XBox One Thread


  911 GTS Cab
In other news, the girl serving me in game was fit, and it made it even more sexy that she was talking gaming to me, we chatted for about 15 mins, she even liked Lego......but then she mentioned that this was he first job and she was so excited about going from a couple of pounds pocket money a week to loads of money and didn't know what to buy as she had so much, was looking forward to her first Christmas with all that money.

step away from the counter...........


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
In other news, the girl serving me in game was fit, and it made it even more sexy that she was talking gaming to me, we chatted for about 15 mins, she even liked Lego......but then she mentioned that this was he first job and she was so excited about going from a couple of pounds pocket money a week to loads of money and didn't know what to buy as she had so much, was looking forward to her first Christmas with all that money.

step away from the counter...........

Did you not ask her out DK? Should have offered to take her home in the AMG!


  911 GTS Cab
I don't think it is actually going to be that useful, it's a gimmick. Who can do anything else while racing in forza, that's like reading a book and driving your car, not going to end well.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
I don't think it is actually going to be that useful, it's a gimmick. Who can do anything else while racing in forza, that's like reading a book and driving your car, not going to end well.

Watching p**n while racing? Sounds like heaven to me!
  none :(
Quick 360 question.

When I get my xbone I will be selling my 360 on, now I might just bring stupid here, but do I have to do a console restore to factory settings or can I just delete any unwanted saves, profiles, card details etc and then sell it on.
I have a couple of arcade titles, so are these saved on the console or linked to your gamer profile.
  1.8 Civic EX
I'm going to restore to factory on mine. The arcade games are linked to your profile so if they ever become playable on the One then you will be able to download them again.


Less than a week now. Sweet.

Guess we'll start to receive delivery confirmations around Tue-Wed.
  1.8 Civic EX
Less than a week now. Sweet.

Guess we'll start to receive delivery confirmations around Tue-Wed.

still not not had the money taken for mine. Looking like my gamble on toys r us could possibly fail miserably, but it was the only place left with forza rather than FIFA when I ordered....
  Polo + Micra
i've got £60 left after changing pre-order on shopto

toss up between £50 card or an extra controller with play and charge or wait for a game i like the look of

shopto processing orders
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I've decided to add BF4 to my preorder, looks like it should be good and COD Ghosts doesn't appeal to me.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah my Shopto order is shown as "completed/dispatched" too.

Didn't realise I'd get a commemorative controller as well as the BF4 China Rising expansion pack and £15 Live points.



  911 GTS Cab
its amazing how big shopto have become really, they've done a really good job of becoming one of the big boys, even if their website does still look like a 13 yr old mashed it together in 5 mins.
