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Think I'm gonna opt for this phone...

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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Well, after visiting Carphone Warehouse at the weekend, to take a look at a few mobiles (Nokia N96, iPhone, Samsung Innov8 i8510, BB Storm), after weighing up the pro's and cons of them all, I think I'm going to plump for this :


It was awesome, and the camera was superb, arguably better than my digital camera at home! :cool:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
PMSL the guy in the shop said the iPhone was actually being outsold by the C905. He also said you can buy an add-on telescopic lens which attaches to the iPhone camera, thus giving it a better zoom function. Erm. No thanks.

2MP FTL. Shame, as the rest of its features were mint.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
se make the dogs knackers cameras!
my w900i was better than all 5mp cameras i have had fact.
not a big fan of the phone tbh looks like a lot of se sliders that have come out.
bring back the swivel scuch? ;)
just got this yesterday...

awesome and understated.
Hope your getting it in black?!

My misses is getting the Samsung Pixon - was easy to use and great camera too!!

I prefer the C902, but she likes the sammy!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah I liked the Samsung phones, but the i8510 which I was going to get was one hell of a bulky unit, especially when at fully swivel size. That, and the fact it has a massive display screen, meant carrying it around in my pocket would only be LOSE. :dapprove:

Shame really, as its a noice phone.

Dont know about the colour yet, but it wont be in chocolate brown, thats for sure.
PMSL the guy in the shop said the iPhone was actually being outsold by the C905. He also said you can buy an add-on telescopic lens which attaches to the iPhone camera, thus giving it a better zoom function. Erm. No thanks.

2MP FTL. Shame, as the rest of its features were mint.

I have a top of the range compact and slr though

If you want a camera buy a camera

If you want the best smartphone and ultimatley one of the best pieces of technology on the Market today get an iPhone
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I have a top of the range compact and slr though

If you want a camera buy a camera

If you want the best smartphone and ultimatley one of the best pieces of technology on the Market today get an iPhone

What if you want a phone but dont want to cart around a digital camera with you everywhere on the off chance that some nice picture taking could take place? Camera phone FTW. Especially when its also packed with features, plays videos, games, has some cool applications and also plays music.

  Nippy white cup
It defo has its limitations but I think the camera on the iphone is much better than the pixel count suggests. Not great in bad light (and obviously not as good as most camera phones about) but not bad imo




  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I agree Chris, MP count means very little when comparing differing camera's, but it was other things that were frustrating, such as lack of proper bluetooth, which I use a lot, TBH.

For everything else its fantastic, and the range of applications and add ons would keep me going for a long time, being a gadget nut, but a couple of negatives really put me off, sadly.
  Family Bus
Good choice

I have the C902 - its great. Just need to break it a few more times and get an upgrade methinks!
  Nippy white cup
I agree Chris, MP count means very little when comparing differing camera's, but it was other things that were frustrating, such as lack of proper bluetooth, which I use a lot, TBH.

For everything else its fantastic, and the range of applications and add ons would keep me going for a long time, being a gadget nut, but a couple of negatives really put me off, sadly.

Yeah there are a few things missing that are really odd...bluetooth, MMS, even forwarding text messages. I think it is just Apple being clever tbh....whats the betting that the next gen iphone has a better camera and allows mms so people would have a reason to upgrade..if the 1st gen had everything then there would be nowhere for it to upgrade if you know what I mean

Interesting choice Scutchio. I too, contrary to the endless fanboys on here, am still not overly impressed with the iPhone.

Might have a look at one of these... but tbh.... They've not come much further than the N95 imho.
Interesting choice Scutchio. I too, contrary to the endless fanboys on here, am still not overly impressed with the iPhone.

Might have a look at one of these... but tbh.... They've not come much further than the N95 imho.

Do u actually have a iPhone? Amazes me how someone can say this if they have one. Nothing compares to it IMHO
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Interesting choice Scutchio. I too, contrary to the endless fanboys on here, am still not overly impressed with the iPhone.

Might have a look at one of these... but tbh.... They've not come much further than the N95 imho.

The guy in the shop knew I was nowhere near ready to buy, as I explained to him I still have a few months of my contract left, so he was completely unbiased, even slating a couple of the Samsung models. He did say that the C905 is arguably the best phone they've had in.

Saying that, he did big up the iPhone too, but claimed that it was because of the add-ons.
jsut bought this on saturday. pretty good phone if u ask me.

ps. how fecking hard is it to text!!!! need thumbs of steel

EDIT: the c902
Do u actually have a iPhone? Amazes me how someone can say this if they have one. Nothing compares to it IMHO

I see you fit firmly in the fan boy camp then ;)

No MMS= Fail

s**t camera = Fail

No video = Fail

No Bluetooth = Fail

No Sat Nav = Fail

Depends what you look for in a phone I guess but the iPhone is let down in some key areas for me. It is a beautiful phone to use though.... I have 'use' of one for a while thanks to wealthy friend lol. I had my doubts over the whole touch screen business, but you do get used to it and it becomes very natural after a while.
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The iPhone has no MMS or video?! This I didnt know. I'd be screwed then. There'll be applications which can be used though, I guess.
I've not tried to send one tbh... I think you can via a third party application now though. Althoug should you really have to hack your phone to send picture mesages and record video?! I think not.
Your living in the past mate who the f**k uses mms these days

It's doesn't have a video camera no but as said earlier it's a smartphone not a friggin camera LOL

No satnav???? Mine has satnav

I see you fit firmly in the fan boy camp then ;)

No MMS= Fail

s**t camera = Fail

No video = Fail

No Bluetooth = Fail

No Sat Nav = Fail

Depends what you look for in a phone I guess but the iPhone is let down in some key areas for me. It is a beautiful phone to use though.... I have 'use' of one for a while thanks to wealthy friend lol. I had my doubts over the whole touch screen business, but you do get used to it and it becomes very natural after a while.
No one uses MMS? Are you for real? Want me to do a poll to prove you wrong? Or do you simply wish to google 'iPhone MMS' and see how many people are after it?!

And if it's a smart phone.... well it's not very smart if you have to hack it with third party firmware to get features it should come with out of the box is it?!!

F A N B O Y!!!!! :rasp:;)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Your living in the past mate who the f**k uses mms these days

It's doesn't have a video camera no but as said earlier it's a smartphone not a friggin camera LOL

No satnav???? Mine has satnav

Saying that, they have put a camera on there, so they must do some market research. It just so happens its a pretty good camera, too, even for 2MP. So they could have upped it even further and included a video recording function, which I am sure they will do next time given the complaints.

I use MMS, too, for sending stupid vids and pictures. lol.
I can honestly say I have not once used mms in the last 10 years so that doesn't bother me

I also haven't jailbroke mine neither I don't need to :a
  Revels Mum & Sister
I feel I can comment here. I have owned an iPhone 3G since launch. It has now just been punted on Ebay as it frustrated me WAY too much. It is a great interface and seems to work well, loads of add on Apps etc however daily tasks start to become tiresome IMO. In order for it to do everything it should it needs to be Jailbroken and then the phone runs like shite.

I have gone to a Blackberry Bold. Much prefer it over an iPhone then again I dont really use the features of most phones anyway. The camera on the iPhone was ok but this doesnt bother me tbh. The slowness at times and fiddlyness just frustrated me. Also the lack of a proper keyboard, it was a great touchscreen but cannot beat keys
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
^ I have used Gem's Samsung Tocco for sending texts and it almost frustrated me so much it met bin. I'm sure the touchscreen would have got better in time to get used to, but I'm sticking with keys for the moment.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I have MMS on my iPhone.

Which doesnt run like shite, btw.
Its all about what you use to jailbreak.

I have video too. Never use it but i have it.

The only things i want on mine are;

Decent Nav
Bluetooth Stack

One is coming, the other might not.
I still think it's a cracking bit of kit..... and it's a definite fashion accessory too :eek:

But when someone says it's "ultimatley one of the best pieces of technology on the Market today" I have to argue. Because it's just simply not. It's limited in areas it shouldn't be if that makes any sense.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I still think it's a cracking bit of kit..... and it's a definite fashion accessory too :eek:

But when someone says it's "ultimatley one of the best pieces of technology on the Market today" I have to argue. Because it's just simply not. It's limited in areas it shouldn't be if that makes any sense.

Its limited in areas you think you need.

My n82 played music, but i hated it as a music player.
It did video playback too but its such a fuss to get the video on the bloody thing.

My iPhone syncs with my mac and minutes later my tv, movies and music are in.

So so my n82 could navigate me around and i do miss that.

The camera is great for the odd shot (which is what a phone cam should be for)
Email in my view is second to none.
Sms is very simple and makes sense (its been done before with treo's and nokia conversation)

And web browsing kills anything any mobile can offer.

i would be amazed if anyone used the n95 to its full potential. But with the iphone you can.
  Revels Mum & Sister
The problem is all the features (Bar texting) listed above are all very well and good but the core features suffer. IMO the texting is pretty clunky especially with predictive crap that you cannot turn off unless Jailbroken I believe.

Making a call is a hassle as well and the device is pretty slow getting there especially when Jailbroken. It is great but just too fiddly IMO


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
The problem is all the features (Bar texting) listed above are all very well and good but the core features suffer. IMO the texting is pretty clunky especially with predictive crap that you cannot turn off unless Jailbroken I believe.

Making a call is a hassle as well and the device is pretty slow getting there especially when Jailbroken. It is great but just too fiddly IMO

Auto correction is now disabled (if you wanted it to be)
Its limited in areas you think you need.

My n82 played music, but i hated it as a music player.
It did video playback too but its such a fuss to get the video on the bloody thing.

My iPhone syncs with my mac and minutes later my tv, movies and music are in.

So so my n82 could navigate me around and i do miss that.

The camera is great for the odd shot (which is what a phone cam should be for)
Email in my view is second to none.
Sms is very simple and makes sense (its been done before with treo's and nokia conversation)

And web browsing kills anything any mobile can offer.

i would be amazed if anyone used the n95 to its full potential. But with the iphone you can.

LOL. I 'think' I need? I think I'm perhaps best placed to be the judge of that thanks ;)

I'll agree it's an entirely personal thing. Some people say if you want to take pictures use a proper camera... some say if you want to surf the internet use a proper computer.

There's no doubt in some areas the iPhone is head and shoulders above the rest (web, email - but then it is the size of a house) which is fine if that's what's important to you. But to me it's not.

The iPhone 10 18G should just about have it cracked lol.
  1 of 19 Recaro'd 182 Cups
PMSL at how this thread has turned into an 'iPhone is s**t' thread once again by people that know nothing about them other than the stuff it can't do. That fact that this happens shows how its so far ahead of the competition.:rolleyes:
I have the C905 and im actually going to sell it.
Its pretty much the same as my k850i menu wise and the txting is absolutly awful on the c905.
Very hard work putting a space between words due to the casing been so close to the bottom row of buttons and it just seems to not register each key press.

Quite unhappy for such a hyped phone..
PMSL at how this thread has turned into an 'iPhone is s**t' thread once again by people that know nothing about them other than the stuff it can't do. That fact that this happens shows how its so far ahead of the competition.:rolleyes:

It hasn't actually. People are (accurately) describing the functions the iPhone lacks and areas in which it could do with improvement.

The people are remarking that as they are particular features which are high on their list as must haves (camera with a flash, bluetooth, MMS etc) they do not think the iPhone is the phone for them.

On the other hand, you have people like you who feel that because they own an iPhone it's the best thing in the world and better than all other phones at everything. Ever.

If you care to offer up some evidence as to why it's so far ahead of the competition and add to the debate, then I'll be interested to hear your views. If you intend to spout more fanboy nonsense I wouldn't bother.
  Glacier White 200
It hasn't actually. People are (accurately) describing the functions the iPhone lacks and areas in which it could do with improvement.

The people are remarking that as they are particular features which are high on their list as must haves (camera with a flash, bluetooth, MMS etc) they do not think the iPhone is the phone for them.

On the other hand, you have people like you who feel that because they own an iPhone it's the best thing in the world and better than all other phones at everything. Ever.

If you care to offer up some evidence as to why it's so far ahead of the competition and add to the debate, then I'll be interested to hear your views. If you intend to spout more fanboy nonsense I wouldn't bother.


iPhone does not support HSDPA i.e 3.5G

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