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Time for a new rig!

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
looks prety serious. absolutely no need for 12gig ram but why not if u have the money. i'm all for the 8tb of space, i have 6.2 and it's gone. great spec
  Revels Mum & Sister
Impressive build would be a beast! However if you can afford to drop £5K on a PC and you live in a rented house, with house prices like they are you are a bit of a tool not too buy now!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Got a Dell 2707WFP, and I do enjoy my games - Crysis/Warhead + sequel, BF2142 although that runs on my laptop... FSX/Acceleration and Race '07 although rarely as I don't have any form of wheel currently.

Mike, how's this perform on your current setup, let alone the new kit list? I'd heard that it was very demanding on hardware, even with the acceleration add-on?

  Better than yours. C*nt.
Even with Acceleration, it sucks the lifeblood from it. I can run 1920x1200 with full detail but no AA, and I can't put too much in the way of traffic on - at that point it s***s itself!
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
All i'll say is, my comp runs Crysis on max settings (standard that is, not custom configs) and i spent £530 last year building the tower that plays it.

Your spending £5000 on it and as i said, it will depreciate so much and most of the hardware is completely unnecessary and is really just a flex of the e-penis.

Your either made of money, or incredibly stupid, i'm not sure which.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
All i'll say is, my comp runs Crysis on max settings (standard that is, not custom configs) and i spent £530 last year building the tower that plays it.

Please feel free to post proof of that, because my bullshit detector has exploded. Allow me to demonstrate the only card known to be able to play Crysis at 'max' settings out of the box:

Oh, wait, no. That can't.

Nope. That one fails as it only just runs it at medium at any resolution.

Again, nope. Two 4870x2s can't do it.

I'm sorry, but you either stole 3/4 of what you needed, or got it for free, because as it stands even the GTX295 x2 in SLI is only barely playable in some scenes with all the settings maxed out. Again, due to a shortage of frame buffer.

Come back when you know what you're talking about, kthxbai?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
All i'll say is, my comp runs Crysis on max settings (standard that is, not custom configs) and i spent £530 last year building the tower that plays it.

Your spending £5000 on it and as i said, it will depreciate so much and most of the hardware is completely unnecessary and is really just a flex of the e-penis.

Your either made of money, or incredibly stupid, i'm not sure which.

That simply has to be a sweeping generalisation at best. My 4870 could happily run Crysis maxed out - if I was happy to put up with 2fps - or merely to take screenshots.

Also, I think Mike's old enough and clever enough to judge what he's spending his money on. Even if it was £50k he was spunking on a new PC, is really any concern of ours?

  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
You can call bullshit all you want tbh, but i bought crysis maximum edition a month ago, pumped up the settings to full and played it and warhead straight through, and it ran fine and all i have is a 512mb 8800GT and a £600 processor that i got 2nd hand off ebay for £93, an x6800, and 3gb of ram.

If this is in your eyes physically impossible, i do not care, i know for a fact that my setup runs crysis on max.
  Better than yours. C*nt.

I've got an 8800GTX at the moment, and it sweats when I do medium settings and 2x AA. With a Q6600 clocked beyond Q6850 speeds. And 8GB RAM.

Sorry, fail. In fact, everybody in this thread that's called your bluff has better kit than an 8800GT.
Mike do you have LOTS of money coming in every month or do you just have a serious passion for computers?

I like my PC but i could never justify Spending £5k like that.

(NB: im not taking the piss, it just makes my jaw drop when i see people spending that much)
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Well I'm not going to discuss income - some people seem a shade sore about it so I'll keep myself to myself, but yes I do have a passion for computers. I do it all day every day because I enjoy it, and I like to have the latest wizardry to play with just so I'm in touch with what's going on.

Cos you do have to be a serious geek to have a DL380 G6 sat in your second bedroom. Like I does. Lol.
I could never spend that much on a comp, my 8800GTX will happily run crysis, albeit not at the highest settings, but enough to look good and be very playable.

And the fact that a handful of games, if that, can use the specs you will have is another reason why Im a bit shocked.

And what car do you drive if you can spend that much on a comp lol?!
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Another vote above then that an 8800GTX can't run Crysis at maximum settings... But an 8800GT (the slower, smaller frame buffered-cousin) can?!

As for car - I'm currently shopping for an Exige S, although what relevance that has to computers I'm not entirely sure! I did look at car computers, but it's just silly to try lol...
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
If your ever up in chester, post on here and your very welcome to come round and see it for yourself.

I'm not sure what reason you can think of for me lying about it, I have no reason to lie about it tbh, if you don't believe me or others don't believe me, i do not actually care, i know my comp does it and thats all i'm arsed about tbh.
If your ever up in chester, post on here and your very welcome to come round and see it for yourself.

I'm not sure what reason you can think of for me lying about it, I have no reason to lie about it tbh, if you don't believe me or others don't believe me, i do not actually care, i know my comp does it and thats all i'm arsed about tbh.

If bullshitting was a martial art you would definitely be the grand master, every time I see your post it is like diarrhea coming out of your mouth :dead:
Another vote above then that an 8800GTX can't run Crysis at maximum settings... But an 8800GT (the slower, smaller frame buffered-cousin) can?!

As for car - I'm currently shopping for an Exige S, although what relevance that has to computers I'm not entirely sure! I did look at car computers, but it's just silly to try lol...

GT wont run it at a good frame rate. I know, i have one.
This laptop will run Crysis on maximum settings with 8xAA. It runs it at around 1fps. Well, technically it's just one frame, because that's all it will render before melting.

I do chuckle when some people have a PC with magic pixies inside. So it will run Crysis on Max? Cool At what resolution? How much AA and, more importantly, how many frames per second? If you're running it at anything like a decent resolution, with some AA, I estimate that rig would probably serve up around 10-15fps at the absolute best, with minimums being sub 5.
Ideal time to re-wh0re some Warhead caps. Roffle at a £500 PC playing it to these standards at decent framerates, let alone good ones.










Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
If your ever up in chester, post on here and your very welcome to come round and see it for yourself.

I'm not sure what reason you can think of for me lying about it, I have no reason to lie about it tbh, if you don't believe me or others don't believe me, i do not actually care, i know my comp does it and thats all i'm arsed about tbh.

Well, I scored the following two results. The only caviat I would say was that I was running the v1.1 patch and not the later v1.2 patch. Still, I can't see it making that much of an improvement?

This was on an ATi 4870 with 512MB of GDDR5.

This was just default eveything to high with 4x AA @ 1280x1024


And the other was defaulting everything to Low and switching off AA altogether. Again, running at 1280x1024.


I think you should post up your scores and prove us all wrong. Not taking the piss, but it would good to see them. :D

  Better than yours. C*nt.
I would.

If I could get the chunt to boot. It's stuck permanently restarting now, rather than just doing it a couple of times before deciding to go to OS.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I'm the one rofl'ing tbh, i love it that noone believes me, as i said, if its not meant to be possible with my setup then thats tragic, i couldn't care less, my comp does it, i saw it with my own eyes and your all entitled to go "OMGWTFBBQZOR BULLSHITTTTT" etc etc.

I don't know the framerate as i didn't turn the FPS counter on but it ran smoothly although it did VERY occassionally slow down slightly for a split second, happened like 3 times through the whole of crysis, ran it in 1280x1024 resolution.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm the one rofl'ing tbh, i love it that noone believes me, as i said, if its not meant to be possible with my setup then thats tragic, i couldn't care less, my comp does it, i saw it with my own eyes and your all entitled to go "OMGWTFBBQZOR BULLs**tTTTT" etc etc.

I don't know the framerate as i didn't turn the FPS counter on but it ran smoothly although it did VERY occassionally slow down slightly for a split second, happened like 3 times through the whole of crysis, ran it in 1280x1024 resolution.

I don't think we're actually laughing? :S

More like we're genuinely interested in what your spec can achieve when by rights it shouldn't.

If my 182 did 0-60 in 4 seconds flat and people doubted me, then at the very least I'd back up my claims with some proof. ;)

  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I don't think we're actually laughing? :S

More like we're genuinely interested in what your spec can achieve when by rights it shouldn't.

If my 182 did 0-60 in 4 seconds flat and people doubted me, then at the very least I'd back up my claims with some proof. ;)


Easier said than done, i had 2 hard disks in my comp a 30 gig one just for the OS and a 200 gig one for data, games etc. Had some compatibility issues with the 200 gig one it decided it didn't like my computer and kept crashing it so i've unplugged it and it now runs fine.

Now i've only got 30 gig to play with which means with the OS and all my documents/music etc, i've only got room for 1, possibly 2 games on my comp at any one time, so crysis isn't installed anymore since i stopped playing it and right now the only game on my comp is sims 3 leaving me with 1.2 gig of space. When i get bored of Sims 3 i'll reinstall Crysis and run the benchmark and see what it gives me.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Just had a quick play with the Warhead Benchmark tool.





Running on High with 2x AA gave me my best result :)
I'm the one rofl'ing tbh, i love it that noone believes me, as i said, if its not meant to be possible with my setup then thats tragic, i couldn't care less, my comp does it, i saw it with my own eyes and your all entitled to go "OMGWTFBBQZOR BULLs**tTTTT" etc etc.

I don't know the framerate as i didn't turn the FPS counter on but it ran smoothly although it did VERY occassionally slow down slightly for a split second, happened like 3 times through the whole of crysis, ran it in 1280x1024 resolution.

Yeah and I can fly.

On to my results (not warhead bench). Slightly disappointing but it's intensive, so;

1920x1200 Very High 2xAA. Average ~32fps
1920x1200 High 2xAA. Average ~43fps

This is actually making me wonder if I have a driver/OS issue, although it's probably just Crysis being Crysis. In game on the first settings, it's usually 40fps + outdoors, and 60fps+ indoors. Oh and I just realised my CPU is running stock 3Ghz just now which could be holding back the 295 by a fair margin.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Convenient excuse! At least my excuse started at the top of the thread...

But it's invalid anyway, as it's just installing Crysis at the moment. Doesn't take long with 4x 15k SAS disks.
Not exactly an excuse. Just a fact, Michael. In actuality, looking at Adam's scores in the warhead bench, mine seem to follow around 5fps behind. Given his processor, that seems about right, so I'm happy.
