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torsion bar lowering

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
want to lower me valver on the back (front already done when i bought it for some reason, always looks like im braking hard! lol) Ive bin told it posible to lower it on back without any kits just a "special" tool to change it. Is this true?
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
its a proper job, i can put you in touch with a guy that tried to do it himself ended up f**king up the torsion bar lol, not a recomended DIY job
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
lol. Well theres a garage near me n some1 told me he'll do it £20 a side. Dont want to risk messing it all up :/
  RS Meg 175
Speaking to some bloke at Rtec (ModGarage) they were lowering his Saxo by the Torsion bar and all the bearings came out lol
Ignore those comments wilky - it's piss easy to do on a valver, and loads on here have done it themselves. The main problem is that the torsion bars could be seized, and this might be the reason it wasn't lowered at the back in the first place. Tbh I can't see how you could possibly end up f**king teh torsion bar, it just isn't really possible unless you do something really stupid.

If you look HERE and it explains how you do it. If you aren't very mechanically minded then £20 each side is a good price from a garage tbh, but if you are mechanically minded this can usually be done within an hour first time (I can do it in about 30 mins as I've done it a few times before).
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
donsrno1 said:
Tbh I can't see how you could possibly end up f**king teh torsion bar, it just isn't really possible unless you do something really stupid.

yeah i made it all up... i thought it wud be funny to make something up so that he wouldnt do it :rolleyes:
i know he fucked it up coz it was my bf who he payed to put it right
in what way did he "f**k the torsion bar" then? he may not have been able to complete the job or something, but by saying the fucked the torsion bar it sounds as though he has actually damaged the torsion bar. Also, was this on a clio or another car? afaik the torsion bar is a bit more difficult on other cars compared to the clio.
  Looking for a ph-quick...
Yeah its not too dificult, if your patient you'll get it done, make sure you get in plenty of WD40 before hand and give the ends of the bar and good soak a day or so before!
  182 and 5 GTT
Nah its not hard to do. R-tec did mine originally, but they did it lopsided! So i ended up having to redo one side. I followed that guide posted above aswell.
