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Tough Phones?


ClioSport Moderator
Our builder at work needs a new tough phone for on site (he goes through phones like toilet roll atm), and it's not something I've ever looked too much into.

A quick search reveals the samsung solid extreme is currently on the market, which looks alright, just wondering about any other alternatives?

Also, on another note, a reccomendation for a normal phone which isn't massively complicated but has a nice camera, i.e 5meg+.



ClioSport Club Member
  Hyundai i40
my ex had one of them bouce proof water proof one - not sure if they are still made but u should get one cheap off ebay

His problem was getting dust under the keys

this lasted him ages and had a samsung all singing all dancing one for weekend and nights
  Mini Cooper S
I used to love my old Nokia 5210 (older model to the 5140i), that thing used to bounce whenever it was dropped - as hard as nails!!
  ITB'd MK1
Not strictly a "tough phone" but the nokia 6300 is very rugged. I'm a phone killer, and i only managed to break my first 6300 by running it over with a scenic......and it still recieved calls. 2nd one has had 18 months of careless use and still works just fine


ClioSport Moderator
Cheers Danny, carphonewarehouse = useless (not that I didn't know that already)

Every single phone contact seems to have gone up in price, no good deals about atm, sack :(
  Mini Cooper S
Why are you sorting him out a contract?

Like you say, every Samsung myself or my friend have owned have always taken a good bashing.
  2.2 bar shed.
Cheap - Nokia 5140i:


Had that phone for 2 years, got an iPhone and I still miss it tbh. Whatever happened it just wouldn't die, took it out on the piss and never managed to do a thing to it. Already broken my iPhone twice and ive only had it for a year :/
