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Transporting Airbag Steering wheels

Right, heres a funny one. Bought a phase 3 r19 steering assembly from ebay. Apparently it got delivered this morning by Post Office, and box had exploded because the Airbag had released!!

My question is, i thought airbags need an electrical signal to trigger them? Post Office must have hammered the parcel to set it of like that!
  The Jinx

They do. Hence why when removing them you have to remove the fuse first so it doesnt go off in your face.

Probably down to the retards working for Royal Mail.

Yeh - you will find Renault dealers are only allowed to keep airbags in stock if they have an explosive proof cabinet, so im surprised the Royal Mail have delivered that - they probably didnt know what it was.

It is infact illegal to send Explosives via the post office, standard couriers etc.. They are supposed to be shipped by specialists..

Correct that you must store the Airbags, pre-tensioners etc in an approved steel cabinet..

We do not have a cabinet at our place.. So we place an order for replacement bags etc when required..

When we remove an airbag/pre-tensioner from a vehicle we have to trigger the charge before we can dispose of them. That means applying a 12v supply and BOOOMMM

However they can be set of by shock, ie dropping them.. Static discharge/spark etc.

as above ^^^ we dont keep them at work but when i was at BMW we kept airbags and pretensioners in a metal cabinet with and explosive warning sign on the door. IIRC legally i believe you are supposed to have a firearms licence due to the law to actually keep them. we had to trigger old or defective units, used to put them in the middle of the workshop face down and see if we could hit the roof with them (we did and believe me the workshop had a stupidly high ceiling).
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

I wanna know how the thing went off???

Nothin can explode by itself??!! It would need an electronic signal to go off, like TNT is totally safe unless nr a naked flame ?!
  Punto/Clio GTT

if you take a airbag off a car, throw it on the floor, it will explode afaik

you need an actual certificate to say you can handle airbags and mess with them in any way shape or form.

and 100% the post office wouldnt have known what it was

and whoever posted this airbag through the post is a brainless lemon
  Ford F-150 5.4 V8

Quote: Originally posted by Final_Maxim on 25 February 2005

if you take a airbag off a car, throw it on the floor, it will explode afaik

you need an actual certificate to say you can handle airbags and mess with them in any way shape or form.

  Clio 197

Whetever anyone thinks....

the poor post man/woman must have been seriously worried.

Are their feelings not worth considering?

Still... I cant help laugh my ass off!
  Punto/Clio GTT

Quote: Originally posted by RS-Steve on 25 February 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Final_Maxim on 25 February 2005

if you take a airbag off a car, throw it on the floor, it will explode afaik

you need an actual certificate to say you can handle airbags and mess with them in any way shape or form.


about what steve?

you need a certificate to handle them, im sure mike172sport will confirm that in his renault garage whoever removes airbags has to have this certificate.

and why do you hold them out in front of you when youve took them off? because they can explode!

because thats the law with storage final maxim, they have to be in a metal cupboard when at dealers etc

but them being able to go off by just dropping them is abit stupid, what about when its in the car and u punch the wheel or go over some serious bumps lol, dont want it exploding do ya!

two words no-one has mentioned, residual charge. regradless an airbag is an explosive device im sure even with a pin firmly in place most people wouldnt drop or throw a grenade at close quarters.
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

some older airbags contained there own batterys so a short circuit could have triggered it.

newer airbags need a voltage pulse to trigger. maybe tempurature or static electricity set it off.
