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Tuning advice cams ,itb or rs2/sm inlet

  BG 182
hi guys just looking for some advice really and see what people's opinions are whilst I rarely post on here I have ran a trophy last year sold my stage 2 Megane and now decided for another 182

Trying to decide which route to take with regards to tuning I 100% want to stay away from turbo or supercharge so my options are

Itb I do love the idea of it's although it's a lot of money and second hand sets rarely Come up for sale

I have been looking at the sm2 inlet from turkey which is a basic copy of the rs2 isn't it ? What's people's experiences with these ?

Upgrading the cams ? Yet again not overly expensive. It have read stories of people not being able to run cat 428s with the rs2 inlet which I think If I went for cams would eventually happen plus has anyone ran piper cams before ?

I will soon do a build thread when I get time
I've done most the standard modifications to the car eg induction mapped exhaust system
And stripped the car out with a cage and running two recaro pole positions along with suspension upgrades

Just trying to find the best value for money with performances

  BG 182
Thanks for the info @bloke what's your opinion of the sm inlet ? The seller has said in eBay he can do it for £480 posted just like how simple it is to fit am I correct in saying you don't need to run a cable throttle like you repulsive with itbs

I think if money was no object I would go down the itb route but can't justify chucking that much money at them just looking for the best value for money basically
  dan's cast offs.
Thanks for the info @bloke what's your opinion of the sm inlet ? The seller has said in eBay he can do it for £480 posted just like how simple it is to fit am I correct in saying you don't need to run a cable throttle like you repulsive with itbs

I think if money was no object I would go down the itb route but can't justify chucking that much money at them just looking for the best value for money basically

it's not bad to fit, done a few now and got a couple more to fit as well. couple of little things to sort as you go along but nothing major. who you getting to map it for you?

i thought the RS2 was making a come back

it is apparently, but just keeps getting delayed. to be honest i think they've missed the boat though, for the price of the sm and results so far i think they will lose a lot of sales to the sm now.
  BG 182
I'll get Chris at Efi to map it mate doesn't seem like a major job to fit who have you used to map it mate ?

Do you still have to redrill any holes as the eBay seller has assured me you don't anymore and it's a direct fit to the 182 ?

Have you ran any with cams Aswell ?

I think at nearly half the price of the rs2 it's a no brainier yes the rs2 does look better but as long as the sm does the job
  BG 182
Oh good to hear will be making the right choice then

Spot on think I'll order it now.

What cams did you use and how noticeable were they ?
  dan's cast offs.
colombo & bariani, had them in another engine so pinched them. although gains on the graph were negligible could be felt more when driving.

you fitting yourself?
  Bmw m635csi,polo.
I was one of the first people to get the sm inlet my car made 186bhp with a sports cat nothing else modded on rs tunings rollers. £450 is a right deal i paid £850 for mine.
  dan's cast offs.

  BG 182
He's actually put it up yesterday it was £509 plus delivery and then he said £480 delivered if invoice through PayPal

Did you have to reroute the battery or could you use a smaller filter ?
  BG 182
Ok cheers do you have to run a actual cable for the throttle aswell noticed on that pic it has a cable throttle ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I have messaged the seller, was curious about him being interested in a group buy. Carl have txt you mate
  172 cup clio v6 st
1 was one of the 1st along with @Drakec ,too purchase this and the inlet was classed as s**t by people on here and the other forum.So i bought a used rs2 and after seeing the results and cost of the sm inlet.Its a nobrainer,really unimpressed with rs2,sorry await the hate brigade.If their on ebay for 500 their a steal.
  dan's cast offs.
1 was one of the 1st along with @Drakec ,too purchase this and the inlet was classed as s**t by people on here and the other forum.So i bought a used rs2 and after seeing the results and cost of the sm inlet.Its a nobrainer,really unimpressed with rs2,sorry await the hate brigade.If their on ebay for 500 their a steal.

still gutted for you over the whole episode with this!!
  172 cup clio v6 st
still gutted for you over the whole episode with this!!
Ive moved on but never again Carl also you have to spend 200 on engine mounts,you have too run it on a certain pipercross filter otherwise rs2 wont work lmfao.I was debating selling it but i think i will get sod all for it @bloke
  dan's cast offs.
Ive moved on but never again Carl also you have to spend 200 on engine mounts,you have too run it on a certain pipercross filter otherwise rs2 wont work lmfao.I was debating selling it but i think i will get sod all for it @bloke

sell the rs2?
  dan's cast offs.
thing is you'd have to replace it with something or would you jst go back to standard inlet?
  Silver 182 FF
Ive moved on but never again Carl also you have to spend 200 on engine mounts,you have too run it on a certain pipercross filter otherwise rs2 wont work lmfao.I was debating selling it but i think i will get sod all for it @bloke

Can you run the SM inlet on standard mounts? What about the filter, does it have to be a particular manufacturer?
