Unfortunately the alternator on my luverly phase 1 valver has given up the ghost. After contacting the garage about getting it sorted (not Reno) I was told "oh you will have to get the serial//model numbers form the alternator as there are four different versions for the car"
This seemed weird as having checked the Andyspares website there was clearly only one alternator listed for my car...
Anyhow looking at my alternator i can see "YV1653" as a number along with "17.93"
So, a few questions!!
1) Is the garage talking out of there ass about there being four distinctly different alternators?
2) Would any of you be able to tell me if the numbers I have gealned from my car are the ones the garage was reffering to, if not would you have any idea what / where the numbers are that i do need?
3) In a worst case scenario can any of you give me any pointers with regards to fitting an alternator myself, as it seems its hard to get ppl to take on work at this time of year!!
Any help you guys and girls can give me would be greatly appreciated!!