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VERY annoying adverts when using internet - how to remove?!

  Mito Sportiva 135
I've been getting a LOT of pop-up adverts (like literally every time I visit a new page) when going on the internet - which usually appear at the bottom of the screen. Not sure if it's a virus or some sort of ad program but my virus protection isn't picking it up. What would people recommend to identify and get rid of this problem??

Thanks guys - this is really bugging me!
  Mito Sportiva 135
I've got that! This is basically pop ups in the browser - not sure when it started but getting progressively worse. Often get 2 ads per page long clicking off them all the time. RAGE!


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Re install adblock and use it to block them. Have a good cache clear out too... ccleaner is good for that from piriform.


ClioSport Club Member
Just installed this adblock extension, not sure how I've never heard of it before.


ClioSport Club Member
I have having the exct same crap at the moment on my mums laptop. You get ads that are actually on the screen (normally related to other websites you have been browsing like cheap flights, car rental etc), and then I also get separate pop up windows every so often when you open a new site.

Installed kaspersky internet security which found nothing, currently doing a full scan with a free trial of AVG 2014, if that finds nothing I will use the link posted above. Getting pissed off with it now, its f**king up my IE and Chrome and making it run like s**t.
