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Very bad noise developing.....

  320d M Sport

maybe an overstatement but last week when caning it in first id hear a kinda resonating around 6000rpm (AND NO ITS NOT THE 4K EXHAUST RATTLE!!).

THis week its worse (quite loud now) and its doin it from 3500-7000. It does sound like an exhaust problem and im wondering if its the downpipe or a mounting point?!

Can anyone help please?!! :confused:

handbrake cable put back properly when fittin exhaust?, not sure where the cable is on the clio, but the garage had to move it on my old car to get the exhaust on, then when they didnt put it back right it rattled like mad.
  320d M Sport

nahh, its not a rattle, somewhere in between the banging engine mount noise and a deep resonating hum.

Hope someone knows?!
  Revels Mum & Sister

Sounds maybe like a f**ked Baffle in the BAckbox. Something metal touching the Exhaust makes it resonate!
  2012 WRX Waggon

paddy ur not making excuses ahead of our monday meet ru

clean cant use 3rd, im too fat, now urs is rattlin


  Clio 1.6 16V

Could be one of your heatshields vibrating / resonating. When I had the Magnex fitted things were quite "musical". Half an hour down the pit doing a finger "ping" test and fettling the shields made a massive difference. Just a thought!
  CTR EK9 turbo

get someone to hold it at revs around 6k+ and see where, maybe under the bonnet its coming from, get a torch and have a good look. Might work?

I always find if mines making a weird noise or acting strangely i give it a good dose of rev limiter, a bit like a spanked bottom and it seems to behave itself pretty promptly after that.

I think Ive got a resonating heat sheild in my exhaust system. What is this "ping" test and how do I go about "fettling the shields"?!
