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ClioSport Club Member
What you thinking price wise?

No idea tbh, i still have a room full of parts so i could either sell with all the parts for new owner or have it all fitted at my expense, but not sure if it would be worth it? I guess a car with basically a new DSG with warranty, cam belt, new suspension, brakes, tyres and all the little jobs done with the spec mine has surely it worth 4k+


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
No idea tbh, i still have a room full of parts so i could either sell with all the parts for new owner or have it all fitted at my expense, but not sure if it would be worth it? I guess a car with basically a new DSG with warranty, cam belt, new suspension, brakes, tyres and all the little jobs done with the spec mine has surely it worth 4k+
With all that done.. why would you sell it ?!
After all that work you might as well keep it for a year, enjoy it, then sell it. Seems a bit if a waste spending so much and selling so soon.


ClioSport Club Member
Guys i don't know what to do, i thought getting the parts myself and then paying someone to fit them would be easy! There seems to be a lot more to this then just unbolting and bolting on a few new parts....

The prices to do everything i want are coming out at anywhere from 1500-2000 from multiple specialists.

I can try and do some of the work myself to save a bit and then go to garages to do the rest, sell the car with the parts i have and cut my losses or pay the crazy labour prices to have it repaired :(


ClioSport Club Member
What have you got to do? I thought it was mostly suspension stuff? It's a Golf £1500 just in labour charges seems like a total ripoff.


ClioSport Club Member
What needs fitting? Most places my way are about £70 an hour so even allowing for VAT that’s 17 hours 😂

surely you’ve got a mate in the trade who wants some weekend cash..


ClioSport Club Member
One place reckons 28 hours to do all the work....

Anyways its booked in on Tuesday so hopefully goes alright, just got into a panic attack about it.


ClioSport Club Member
Shocks and springs
Aircon Pressure Sensor - If that doesn't work then recirculating flap motor behind glovebox and set adaptations
Console Bushes
Rear Lower Control Arms
Discs and Pads all round
Replace rear calipers and brake fluid change
ARB drop links all round
Dog Mount Insert
Subframe Bolts
Replace Cruise Control Stalk
Replace Canbus Gateway
Replace alternator pulley
Number Plate bulbs
Suspension and headlight alignment


ClioSport Club Member
I can understand some of that being done as something to do yourself over the weekend, but there is no way in gods earth i would be paying for all that to be done on what is, in effect, a 3-4 grand golf gti!!!

At least who ever buys it is getting a very sorted car for cheap 😂😂
Shocks and springs 2hours*
Aircon Pressure Sensor 10 minutes - If that doesn't work then recirculating flap motor behind glovebox and set adaptations 1 hour
Console Bushes *done when removing shocks and springs
Rear Lower Control Arms *done when removing shocks and springs
Discs and Pads all round 2 hours
Replace rear calipers and brake fluid change done with the above
Radiator 1.5 hours
ARB drop links all round 1.5 hours
Dog Mount Insert 30 minutes
Subframe Bolts 15 minutes
Replace Cruise Control Stalk 45 minutes
Replace Canbus Gateway 30 minutes
Replace alternator pulley done when replacing the radiator
Number Plate bulbs 10 minutes
Suspension and headlight alignment 1 hour (if not seized)

That's what I reckon I could do it on my own on axel stands taking my time around 11-12 hours, a garage should be able to do it much, much quicker. I personally wouldn't pay more than £700. Most of the things above could also be done yourself to save money, plenty of how to's online for the MK5.


ClioSport Club Member
Had one of the worst if not the worst cars days ever. Went out to try and fix my cigarette lighter, which turned out to not even be plugged in to find the passenger footwell absolutely flooded. We have had a lot of really heavy rain lately so clearly had a leak. My first thought turned out to be the right one. Sunroof drains blocked. Took off the a pilar trim, found the pipes and then thats when it started going really bad. In my infinite wisdom I decided to remove the rubber drains and flush them out. Job well done i thought, not so much... It is actually almost impossible to fit them back to the car and in the correct position, it was coming to the point that I thought I was going to have to take the dash out. With some lube I got them in mostly the right position, enough to connect it back together. Had to move the wiper motor to help with access which gave me a chance to remove some old sub wires I found. Whilst testing I must of knocked one of the drain pipes loose from the sunroof so I had to take down some of the headliner to make it a tight fit again. I then had to get the right multi splines to take the seats out. So right now I'm having to dry all the foam under the carpets and ended up removing a rubber bung to drain all the water out. Just an absolute s**t show I'm so done with older cars now and even more so working on them. I hope whoever ends up with this has better luck that I did. I'm going to get it back next week from having the work done and decide what to do with it. Almost came to just pushing it in a field and burning it. I have ordered a stereo fitting kit, pollen filter and new center dash vents but might not even bother with that depending on how I feel when I get the car back. Just a terrible day, really frustrating and angry.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Not good, but when cars are better built than a clio, working on them becomes a little more tedious.

My offer now stands at £750 and half a marsbar


ClioSport Club Member
Should be picking up the car tonight, got a call saying someone had ground down one of the hubs in the past for some reason. They must of had issues trying to get the rear brakes off or something. So new wheel bearing/hub assembly going in as well.

Went to VW to pick up my new centre vents and the c**k womble ordered them in the wrong colour. Says my car should have the grey trim inside, i'm yet to see a GTI with the grey trim inside....he is ordering me a new one for tomorrow.

Alignment is booked for Friday which is going to be expensive, probably about 170. I have the stereo fitting kit now so by next week everything should be done! Need to fit the carpets back in, clear the airbag light because the seats were removed and fit the stereo.

I may have someone interested in the car for strong money which would do me a favour if not then i pray nothing else goes wrong and i stick with it or sell for a huge loss.


ClioSport Club Member
Most standard places will charge anywhere from £30-50, but that would just be for your basic alignment. Places like Tyre City etc would charge £30 per adjustment. Unfortunately as the car has had so much taken off, it will need a lot of correcting, but if it turns out by some miracle not to need that much it should be cheaper.


ClioSport Club Member
Just got the bill and collecting later this evening.

Total was just under £700 which i think is decent considering i had to have a wheel bearing/hub as well. Was only charged for antifreeze, brake fluid, bulbs, alternator pulley and wheel bearing kit, plus 10 hours of labour (decided against the canbus gateway) and he managed to free off my AC flap motor as the one i had was wrong, has a new pressure switch so AC should be good. I'll just be happy to have working cruise for the journey back and some ride comfort hopefully!

Just alignment on Friday, get the new vents, fit stereo and put the car back together.


ClioSport Club Member
Most standard places will charge anywhere from £30-50, but that would just be for your basic alignment. Places like Tyre City etc would charge £30 per adjustment. Unfortunately as the car has had so much taken off, it will need a lot of correcting, but if it turns out by some miracle not to need that much it should be cheaper.

Place by me charged 70 I think, that was after I'd had the rear subframe out replaced most of the suspension arms and bolts.
I hope they do a top job for 150.


ClioSport Club Member
Car is back with me, some good and some bad.


Car feels so much nicer to drive, maybe a bit firmer but so much more composed on damping and feels very tight. Even tho alignment is out, the turn in is very good, good control on change of direction. Must be amazing with a anti lift kit.

AC is good, not freezing but it's cold. Cruise is now working so also a bonus. All the other Jobs seem to be fine.


Rear speaker is popping and cracking soon as you give it power, must be a loose connection I guess. When he had the glovebox out there was lots of old wires from a line out converter and rest of sub wiring so probably something to do with that. Will investigate when I do my stereo.

Steering wheel is touching the plastics behind it so its squeaking which is annoying!

Handbrake is absolute s**t, but apparently that's self adjusting I dont know.

Brake pedal is soft, but I guess that's because of new brakes and they need to bed in.

More things to do.


ClioSport Club Member
Going back on Saturday morning and not leaving till everything is 100%.

We reckon they didnt set the handbrake mechanism properly when returning the calipers but we will order a spare set just incase. Might answer the soft pedal issue also. By saturday I want it 100%


ClioSport Club Member
Cars all back together, went surprisingly well tbh. I decided to have a go fitting my stereo, found some more old wires to remove. In all honesty I was expecting far worse. Sadly the stereo wont remember the settings so I guess it needs a permanent live as it has the switch live. I will see if the place doing the alignment can do it if not I'll book it in somewhere, knowing my luck the car will burn down if I do it. It's all coming together now tho and in the next week or so it will be 100% and I cant wait to go for a proper drive and see what it's like.


ClioSport Club Member
Some VAG cars had permanent and switched live swapped around, pull the connector out and put a multimeter on it.


ClioSport Club Member
Right good news and bad news again, always a f**king drama with this car.

Got it back from alignment and it pulled left took it straight back and they said "we will put it on the ramp" I walked round the back and he was lying on his back adjusting it. I drove it again and it was pulling right and under harder braking it felt unstable almost crabbing. They closed so I couldnt go back again, but I think I'm just gonna get my money back it was 65 in total, but I think they forgot I already paid a deposit so tomorrow I will get a refund and go somewhere else. If anyone else can make sense of the figures below it would help.

Good news is I sorted the stereo so it seems to remember settings now and steering buttons work, just need to monitor the battery if it drains. I might need to work on the fitment as it's not great either, but at this stage I'm just happy that it's in and working!

The above alignment shouldn't cause issues under braking. Seems like a brake bias unbalance. Have them put it on their rolling road used for brakes if they have one.
