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What A Day!

This must be easily the worst day of owning my Clio 16v. Right now I feel like I want to drive it off a cliff! A bit harsh maybe, but Ive just had a sh!t day!

Started off when I woke up @ half 4 to hear my car alarm going off (for the 4th time in 5minutes apparently - ooops, sorry mum!) so I go out to have a look and find water is p!ssing through the sunroof. The inside has water everywhere and I can still hear water swishing around somewhere in the roof!

Eventually, after a 2hr clear out, I put my car in my garage and stuck a de-humidifier in it to get all the water out.

Along with a knackered seal, I have a knackered sunroof motor & switch, so it looks like it could be a big bill to get it all sorted.

& by the looks of the weather (still pissing it down) looks like I wont be driving it for a while!

......& just to make me feel even better, my mate pointed out some tw@t has keyed my rear wing, so now I have a big f*ck off white scratch down the side of my car. I mean WHY? What is the f**king point? It doesnt make you hard, it doesnt make you clever, it just makes you a d*ckhead!

.....sorry.....ramble over.....

(a rather pissed off) Tom

Well you have had your bad luck mate so get ready for some GOOD LUCK! I never understand why people key cars as its pointless! A guy I once new had a Ferrari (old one) and he fell out with some blokes in the pub one night. Next day he opened his unlocked garage to find every panel and window smashed to bits!

I know its no consolation but I dont know if the R19 16V sunroofs are the same and theres loads around for parts!
