If you go for a physical chip then it would have the map of the car it was developed on. Your setup will be different, even the engine will be different, we all know that if you wear Addidas size 7s they need to be 8s in Nikes..LOL! so BBs and K-tecs chip would be different for their own development cars.....not yours, so the only way would be to custom map it.
They load in the standard settings and then make a couple of tweeks to the program to take into account the finer details and hey presto...you have a dedicated remap for your car. Plus there are no obvious signs of a chip being fitted.....insurance????
If you fancy a custom map I am getting mine done shortly, when the zorst goes on and the Viper fitted so we can maybe book in together and get a bit of discount!!! would be nice!!!
How about getting a Cliosport day of remapping, now there has to be an opportunity for massive discount!!!!!