Since when does it cost to say Thank you to some one who has given you a little bit of their time and knowledge?
Not sure if that's aimed at me, I just meant if someone has said thanks, why do you need it noted below your avatar? Pointless really.
Since when does it cost to say Thank you to some one who has given you a little bit of their time and knowledge?
Report it. Simple as. Or I'll reply and cc you in?
s.bailey said:Your gearbox gone yet buddy? Good job you've got...
Your gearbox gone yet buddy? Good job you've got warranty.
You drive a Renault as well you ****ing idiot!! Why don't you **** off and come back when you're nuts have dropped and you can grow facial hair you ****ing little c**t!!
Don't bother replying, I'm not interested in your pre-pubescent ramblings!!
Report it. Simple as. Or I'll reply and cc you in?
CC me but make sure you quote his message. Lets have some fun. Ill let you reply first.
Chappers - Hes a nutter. You should have seen the original convo on DW.
The gearbox comment is the last comment left in the thread I think made by me.
Seems it!
I've read the whole thread, but I presume it became quite edited?
All JD's responses have been removed now. They were proper LOLAGE. Kept having a go at JD about his car being a decade year old shed, asked him if he needed money towards its next MOT. Accused me of being a homosexual more than once, made remarks about JD's mother.
That ladies and gentledetailers, is what DW is all about now.
Anyone know where I can get SONAX Xtreme BrillantShine Detailer from? I can find it in 5L tubs of it. But Ive already got Megs 135 in bulk so cant buy any just yet. Wanted to try a smaller bottle.
Not sure if that's aimed at me, I just meant if someone has said thanks, why do you need it noted below your avatar? Pointless really.
Get some megs#16 wax if you can!
What a clown.
Nothing you've said is new. Your attitude is also not new. People like you are the reason less and less people thanks.
Haven't heard of that one, I'll have to take a look. Is it good then mate?
I was thinking of getting Zymol Carbon, only reason I haven't is because CYC is out of stock!
Want something to go over Z2 really and it'll be on a Performance Blue ST.
s.bailey said:Your gearbox gone yet buddy? Good job you've got...
Your gearbox gone yet buddy? Good job you've got warranty.
You drive a Renault as well you ****ing idiot!! Why don't you **** off and come back when you're nuts have dropped and you can grow facial hair you ****ing little c**t!!
Don't bother replying, I'm not interested in your pre-pubescent ramblings!!
all chip on the shoulder, no substance or IQ!
It's a well priced one! Used it a few times on previous cars but applied it to my Clio at the weekend and it's just phenomenal really
Been trying to upload a video of it beading/sheeting water, I'll try again or you