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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


ClioSport Club Member
I’m struggling a bit with TDC. I really like Edwin, but the other bloke is a little less likeable. Wish they’d have taken on Jack and Ethan with Edwin
I'm the opposite, I can't stand Edwin and his teeny tiny tops but like the other guy whoever he is.

What they did was just stupid really, removing the loom like that for no reason.

I like the content, the cheap Porsche interests me, but unlike AutoAlex or old CT where I'd watch most things because I liked the whole show, if they were doing something that didn't really interest me I wouldn't watch it at all.

Also, shouldn't it be Centre in the UK?


ClioSport Club Member
I'm fine with it so far but I'm probably just automatically watching them as they are associated with AutoAlex which is one of the few channels I regularly keep up with. Although, I can see myself going down the same route as the v2 channel where I'll watch the odd video but happily miss out on others.
The white Porsche seems like a good project, the RR bought from Birmingham episode was alright.


ClioSport Club Member
Hmmm, not for me

I know every youtuber seems to do this now, but I absolutely hate having the whole video spoiled in a coming up bit at the start. I'm already watching the video, why do I need the rest of the video summed up in 15 seconds.
Overall the video just felt very generic, I don't hate the new presenters, but it just felt like any other middle of the road car youtube video.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
The channels been in decline since Alex left. I didn’t hate the presenters, but neither did I like them. And the video was dull and a so tired format, I sacked it about halfway.
The comments section was more entertaining!!


ClioSport Club Member
Alex should stick to laughing his tits off hooning around a track on Camber and Combustion. At least there with Matt (and Ben) there was real genuine chemistry. Oh and the videos were entertaining!
It was good to see Alex back on Camber & Combustion for there latest video in the MX5's. I think he'd been away in Canada/US and the channel hadn't really felt the same in that time. Hopefully they'll be back to their best now.


ClioSport Club Member

Was about to post this video and moan about how they fleeced that lad, comments agreed, but it does look like from their pinned comment they're giving him £1500 now instead, although they probably should've just given him the 2k he wanted.
I think most people like seeing a good deal, but it does feel scummy when a clearly well off YouTuber uses who they are to get a ridiculous deal from someone who clearly needs the money.

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Anyone else watch these absolute lunatics? Been watching for a while now and I'm always amazed by the ideas they come up with and how they engineer stuff



ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Just watched the most recent ChrisSlix video and people are banging on about Goonzquad in the comments so decided to check them out.

Think I last 10 mins before the “oh no way dude” “that’s crazy dude” “wow what the flip dude” started grating on me. Shame as I like the rebuilding stuff and I love the Hellcat!


ClioSport Club Member
Really sad for them. Been following them for a couple of years now, and they've grown so much. We're just putting the finishing touches to the Gallardo and now it's a pile of ash. Genuinely gutted for them, seem like really good guys.
