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Which Broadband Provider

  172 Cup
Hi Guys, want to change my provide and not sure who to go with. Just want a phone and internet package.

Tascali have a great deal on and I am leaning towards them - not sure how good they are though?

Or is it worth phoning BT and seeing if they will do me a deal - again not sure how good they are?

Virgin Media are a no go for me as I phoned and they cant offer it to me because it is not available in the area.

Thanks in anticipation. :eek:)
  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
I have Zen their service is really good and they are spot on customer service wise.
  Tesla MP3 2021
If you have Sky TV then they are doing some great offers for TV, Broadband and Phone.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Yeah but he wants Internet and a landline phone deal. Be nor O2 don't offer this. I am with Be and I cant rate them highly enough so if you do want just a dogs b****cks ISP then Be / O2 are the best!
MOre than happy with Sky. Been with them over 2 years - consistent speeds and can't remember any down time on my line at all. Very impressed.
