Hiya Chun.. half the problem is that the induction kit adds nice noise, (it is actually possible to read the car better .. but thats an aside lol...)
the noise really DOES add to the experience and the whole kit strapped to yer ass feels better
the noise from a lot of sports cars is actually contrived..
I am NOT saying you are not gaining (although I am strongly of the opinion that you probably are not - until proven wrong. ) but, without objective testing, these things are often a waste of dosh, IF, you buy them for performance.. if the noise / sound is what you are after, then they are worth probably double LOL...
You can take any well established engine tuning catalogue.. say a kent engine (ford Xflow).. read the adverts.. add up the bhp for all addons available for that lump.. I kid u not.. you could have 300 bhp for peanuts.. ok, thats a joke.. but the figures dont add up.!
the manufacturer would NOT miss out on an opportunity to increase performance at no expense..
Sorry for the essay its one of me pet hates...