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White smoke from Exhaust

  Renault 1.2 TCe D4Ft
Hello there,

Getting white smoke with burnt oil smell from the exhaust.
This only happens when the engine is warm and after idling for at least one minute.

- First start after night, no smoke at all.
- No smoke from the oil filler.
- Oil moisture in the intake system.

I installed 6 months ago a new turbo (regenerated) trying to solve this, at first the smoke was less, but by the time, it's the same again.
Bad turbo?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Might want to post what car your talking about.

Did you replace the turbo oil feed pipes & oil when you changed the turbo?
  Renault 1.2 TCe D4Ft
Might want to post what car your talking about.

Did you replace the turbo oil feed pipes & oil when you changed the turbo?

Hey @botfch, thanks for your reply.

I've had this little problem since before I started changing parts.

It's about my Wind, 1.2 TCe. Before I did all the tweaks (Stage 1, Decat, Intercooler and Intake system) the original turbo started to fail me. (Oily intake).

So I took the opportunity to change the turbo (regenerated) and install a decat downpipe + Stage 1.

Car is running fine, it's been now over 35,000 km. Only problem is when I'm idling for at least 1 minute, white oil smelly smoke comes out.

Didn't change the oil feed pipes, but the oil with filter. I ordered now a new turbo, but before I install, wanted to ask here some hints.

P.S: No smoke when starting the engine after night and also no smoke from the oil fill cap. (On warm engine).
  Renault 1.2 TCe D4Ft
Renault master found the problem, valve stem seals!
Will be fixed soon.
After that, I will clean the intake from the oil. (Intercooler, etc...)

Thanks for the help, I will post if and when the problem is solved!


ClioSport Club Member
  Monaco172, Green1.2
Cant possibly think why

*Edit: sorry wrong car, but you should put pops and bangs on a Wind that would be mental
  Renault 1.2 TCe D4Ft
My Wind has 252.000 km on the clock, maybe now you can think why...

Wind is not my test car, the pops and bangs stuff was just to see if we could get flames out of a clio III.
After we did, never used omex anymore.
  Renault 1.2 TCe D4Ft

Forgot to post here; it was the valve stem seals!

Did the job by myself and fixed the smoke problem.

Just came back from holidays with my Wind.
3400 km trip in total and no smoke at all.

