i would be very grateful if you could help me fill the ones that are blank>
To ensure that I supply you with the most accurate information and prices to suit your individual application, please answer the following questions (dont worry if you cant answer all of the questions);
Q1: Which country do you live in?
If your engine is carburettored please answer Q2, if not jump to Q3.
Q2: How many chokes has your carb(s) got and what is the manifold configuration?
Q3 a): Have you got a standard fuel injection system? If so, how many airflow meters does your engine have? (If not, please answer Q3b)
A3 a):
Q3 b) How many throttle bodies does your system have?
A3 b):
Q4: How many cylinders has your engine got?
Q5: Is your engine normally aspirated, turbo charged or supercharger