Who has owned the most cars???
I have owned 10 cars in total and have only just turned 21! Can any1 else match this sort of amount, i tend to get board very easy with them. The valver has lasted me the longest and it aint leaving me in a hurry!
Cars have been:
Citreon AX 1.1 (lasted 2 weeks and died in a ditch
Polo 1.1 (brought for £85 & sold 5 days later for £100)
Cavalier 1.6/1.8 (1.6 lump died so put in the SRi 130 lump, owned for 7 months)
Escort 1.6 lx (Owned for 6 weeks)
Nova SR 1.3 (Sold to a mate, owned for 10 months)
Astra 1.3 (owned for 2 weeks)
Citreon AX GT 1.4 (owned for 5 months)
Fiesta SI 1.4 (owned for 2 months)
Nova SR 1.3 (brought back from mate i sold it to for half the price, owned 3 months)
Clio 16v (Owned for 14months)
I am also a part owner with my old dear of a 2.0l Pug 306 cab. She pays the insurance and so she gets to drive it most of the time. Bring on the summer!!
Im also just about to buy a dead 5GTT for £100!!