RB 182 FF
Jesus H Christ, what kind of f**ked up boring teenager saves their money?!? f**k. That.
Spunk it up the wall on whatever takes your fancy I say. You're only young once. £5.4k on insuring a Clio is obscene and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but if that's what floats your boat then go for it. Hell, we had a grown man on here spending that much on a f**king push-bike and people were patting him on the back! Given a choice between a RS Clio and a push-bike I know which I'd be choosing.
We all know £500 a month on insurance is idiotic, I wasn't saying be a boring teenager at all. When I was 18/19 I had a Mazda 323F 1.5 dohc and it was pathetically slow, something like 89bhp or something... but I have to say until I got my 182 the Mazda was by far the best and most enjoyable car I've owned, I used to love revving the nuts off it!!!