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Williams Rear Wings


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Morning all.

Looks like i've found myself a Williams At last. Its a 1996N Willy3.

I want to relace both back wings/Arches. Anybody know if i need to go genuine or can i use pattern parts? How far into the sill do they go? Ideally I want them to go 5/6/7 inches into the sill as there is some Rot there too.

And finally, how much are they?
  E46 M3, x2 GTT, RS250
Morning all.

Looks like i've found myself a Williams At last. Its a 1996N Willy3.

I want to relace both back wings/Arches. Anybody know if i need to go genuine or can i use pattern parts? How far into the sill do they go? Ideally I want them to go 5/6/7 inches into the sill as there is some Rot there too.

And finally, how much are they?

I have a williams with the same problem and have heard of prices ranging from £259-£700 for the rear quarter panel, I dont think I would ever use mickey mouse panels as the fit is sometimes not very good.
When i went to get my valver quoted I was shown some "mickey mouse" panels. these were not full panels. Just the arch about 6 inches deep from the bumper to the sill. It was still alot to get it done
  E46 M3, x2 GTT, RS250
When i went to get my valver quoted I was shown some "mickey mouse" panels. these were not full panels. Just the arch about 6 inches deep from the bumper to the sill. It was still alot to get it done

That would have been just the rot replacement panel which as far as I know is not made for a valver,williams but can be made to fit. Mickey mouse is just the name used in the trade.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I could get the lot Bodged for £200 just filling and painting, but I want this fecker cleaner than clean. I want entire new arches.
  09 Audi A4 Sline 170
Bit of a thread revival here, but I think I have found a Williams 2 which suits me, however it will need arch work, possibly 2 quarter panels at worst.

My question is, has anyone managed to get replacement panels, if so, where from and how much, also are they a 100% fit?

Thanks in advance.
