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Would bring a tear to a glass eye!

Wrote off my cup on Friday, paid £6500 for it 3 weeks ago. Insurance have got back to me today and have made me an offer of £5000. Fcuking pr1cks!
"I'll be honest with you mate, you paid too much for the car, your lucky im not offering you trade price of £4500" My fcuking hero. i dont think ive ever been as angry as this in my life. :mad:
sorry to here it, how did you manage to write your car off in 3 weeks?

sounds like the guy that saved for years for a mustang drove it gently for a few miles and though ive waited years to go fast in this put his foot down and crashed it round a corner
Dont ask about the crash, sick of explaining it and everyone going "yeah sure, you were obviously going to fast" anyway.
Told the guy to go and fcuk himself, was possibly a bit harsh with him on reflection but he was being a fcuking wido.
  A4 Avant
Find similar examples to the one you bought and show the insurance company. Surely they have to pay out on what the vehicle was worth and the cost for a like for like replacement?
This is what i thought aswell, i dont know where he was looking but he says he had an advert for a 53 plate Cup with 32000 miles for 5300, sounds a bit far fetched to me.
  2002 Clio & 1969 Benz
Wrote off my cup on Friday, paid £6500 for it 3 weeks ago. Insurance have got back to me today and have made me an offer of £5000. Fcuking pr1cks!
"I'll be honest with you mate, you paid too much for the car, your lucky im not offering you trade price of £4500" My fcuking hero. i dont think ive ever been as angry as this in my life. :mad:

Trade price of £4500? Bullshit. I just got paid out £4200 for my 2003 1.2 16v clio only a week back!
  Mk4 .:R32
Wrote off my cup on Friday, paid £6500 for it 3 weeks ago. Insurance have got back to me today and have made me an offer of £5000. Fcuking pr1cks!
"I'll be honest with you mate, you paid too much for the car, your lucky im not offering you trade price of £4500" My fcuking hero. i dont think ive ever been as angry as this in my life. :mad:

Trade price of £4500? Bulls**t. I just got paid out £4200 for my 2003 1.2 16v clio only a week back!

Someone got their pants pulled down.

Unlucky Daveymacivor. Sounds bad. I was really worried about crashin my 172 for the first weeks of having it, mainly cos the roads were wet and I was driving fairly fast due to the excitement. you should appeal for that price. What did you put down as vehicle value on you insurance??
Big style mate, pants down, greased up and penetrated.
Put it down as 7000 on the insurance, definately going to appeal, maybe shouldnt tempt fate with the luck ive been having recently but it cant get any worse.
  Mk4 .:R32
I hate insurance companies. They do the best they can to screw you for as much money as possible based on risk of a claim, then when you do crash they are tighter than a fish's arse when it comes to payouts. Pretty much everything makes your insurance void as well.
I know i said that to the guy aswell, paying through the nose for insurance in the false sense of security that you will get your money back if the worst should happen. Arse holes making a killing out of other peoples misery.
  206 gti
I've always been told to never accept their first offer. You usually ge their best offer on the 3rd time. Good luck though :)
shame it takes so long to get a decent payout meanwhile you have to do without a car, hope you get it sorted


  Pajero 3.8 V6
I've always been told to never accept their first offer. You usually ge their best offer on the 3rd time. Good luck though :)

My mrs was rear ended (no smart comments ;) ), we were warned by our own insurance company that if it was written off, the first offer would be low. They said if that happens go and find examples of similar cars for sale. They will always offer something stupid at first, I wander how many people fall for it.

  197-I love!!!
A lot of Insurance companies make Cr*p offers.Don't accept it and send them some details of other ones for sale.They tried this on with my Misses's car some years ago but we got the right price in the end.


that is a shitter mate. i had my first cup only 4 weeks and wrote it off. know how ya feel.. also had a bit of trouble with the pay out just keep refusing the offer they give you!! hope you get it sorted..
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
Get lots of examples.My mate did this once with a mint RS turbo escort.He appealled twice and ended up getting top money in the end

hey man i'm sorry for your loss, but your title is a winner. If you dont mind i'm going to use that at somepoint in a speech/presentation
  Vaux Astra VXR Arden Blue
If its an insurance Enginerr he should be using Glasses Guide. i work in motor claims hehe If u wanna send me details i can get a glasses guide check done on it, n stick that in there faces not somethin they can argue wi. they should offer you pre accident value of the vehicle.

bt yeah pm me the detials ill run it by one of the engineers in my work which insurance comapny is it ? and also bear in mind any excess to come off the offer too
Some very good advice been given already, go on autotrader print off some cars similiar to yours at the correct price, my brother had to do this when he wrote off his wrx subaru, the insurance man offerd him £2000, he showed him the similiar cars for sale and got £4200 in the end.
  1.6 Astra ... R.I.P. 182
Just out of interest name and shame the company

not really the case as every insurance company will be the same ... trying to save costs.

top tip - the nicer you are to the claim handler the nicer they are to you .... trust me
