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YAY Desire Has Arrived!

  Punto/Clio GTT
this is the first time ive owned a brand new top of the line phone, kind of exciting :p

right, what would people recommend the first thing to do with it are?

cool games to download? cool apps? gonna have a browse through the apps thread in a sec.

is there any settings on the phone i should be changing straight away?

anyone have a link to any websites i can download interactive wallpapers or some cool looking ones.


christopher - WHAT THE F*CK BELANNY
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Live Hold'Em
Paper Toss
Robo Defence
Angry Birds

Big Buttons Keyboard (Personally I hate the original on screen keypad)
Task Manager

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Make sure you use the screen lock. It's amazing how much info people can get off it if you loose it without it on.

Angry birds, abduction, speedx 3d, k.o. boxing 2 are my favourite games.
Appbrain is well worth getting for browsing and installing apps via your computer.
  Punto/Clio GTT
i dunno if im doing this right or not.

to download a game, do i go on Internet on my HTC, goto google, type the game in and download it like that? or should i be downloading stuff to my PC and transferring it into a folder or something?

i downloaded the Angry Birds beta via my handset, stuck on lvl 4 :( lol
  Mondeo diesel barge
To download a game or an app, go to the market icon on your phone and search on there.
  Punto/Clio GTT
had it a few days now and i gotta say its the best phone ive ever had or ever had the chance to use. amazing technology.

starting to get the hang of it now with organising my home pages and downloading games n apps. downloaded a cool game earlier called traffic jam, basically have to move cars around so you can get out of the carpark.

games i currently got

angry birds
bubble pop
robo defense
spider man
tic tac toe
traffic jam.

im trying to find a cool clock for my main homepage, dont really mind if its digital or not, just want something fresh, anyone have any good ones?

also what media player are people using?

just downloaded zimly which seems alright

and finally how do i find out how much ive downloaded so i dont go over my allowance?


Who you with mate? I'm with Vodafone and they've got an iPhone app that tells you texts and data used :)
  M2 Competition
You need Advanced task killer. You cant close applications otherwise believe it or not, so everything you ever use stays open. Make sure you download this!

Have the icons that allow you to turn wifi/ mobile internet/ gps/ bluetooth with one touch turned on (should already be on the phone within settings, so can add them as widgets i think) this will massively help the battery!

I get around 3 days useage out of mine, which is pretty good!

Android facebook/ ebay/ youtube apps are all brilliant.
  Ph1 172
Don't bother with ATK ( advanced task killer ) see link

oh and some info i lifted from another site

I'll add a bit more info on memory managment.

By default Android will keep the last used applications loaded into it's memory. It requires less power to keep them in the memory than it does to kill them and load them later on. (booting an app requires the CPU, which happens to drain the battery VERY quickly)
When for some reason it needs to load a new app and free memory for that, it'll kill selectively. The ones that are most likely to be used again are kept in the memory, and those that aren't needed are killed.

How does Android determine which ones to kill and which ones to keep? Easy.

The phone logs just about everything. Which apps you use, how often you use them, which apps are used by the system, when certain apps will poll for new data (like the mail app polling it's server), etc.
It then uses all that information to determine the memory and power managment, so that it needs to use the CPU less and has the necessary apps already loaded into the memory when you use the phone.
It takes a few days for the OS to log sufficient information and adjust itself accordingly, which explains why the first few days after a factory reset or a major OS update are always tough.

All this can only happen properly if Android gets accurate data. Using a taskkiller will only confuse the OS and will kill apps that would have been better off if left alone. Yes, you'll save some energy by not having all these tasks loaded, but the extra CPU usage to boot them again easily outweighs that.


On a more personal note :

The first app I installed on my Desire (my first smartphone) was Advanced Task Killer (otherwise known as ATK). I did that because many people told me that it was absolutely necessary if I wanted to have any battery life at all.
After 2 weeks I had around 50 hours of battery life and was happy about that.

I then read a post about taskkillers and decided to remove it as a test (although I was very skeptical).
The first 2 days I had no battery life to speak of, but afterwards I noticed an improvement in speed (because the right apps were always loaded) and saw my battery life increase to 55-60 hours.

Music blaster is a get app for downloading mp3's
  Punto/Clio GTT
yea i know, ive never used internet on a mobile and ive downloaded like 10 games and 10 apps since ive had it, just wanna see what im using up so i dont go over

anyone know of a good media player or nice skinned clock for my homepage?
  Mini Cooper S sport
It's the best phone I've ever had.

Thing is, the Desire HD is out next month and it looks fecking awesome. Very tempting to get one sim-free and sell my Desire..
