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yet more172 ICE questions!


Right Ive located the grommet that the wires going to go through, just wondered how you actually get it through the grommet? Do you make another hole in it with a screwdriver or something?

Oh And I am struggling to get my dash of. On the guide on the homepage it says there are srews inside the glovebox so you can get the silver strip off but my glovebox has no screws in it at all??

Update: Had a go at getting the wire through that f**kin grommet. no joy. And I grazed my knuckle on something up inside the car :(
  Focus ST3 + proper Mini

are you on about that grommet where the bonnet release goes through?? If so Ive just given up on the same job.

I managed to get the cable through just couldnt pull it through from the engine side :mad:

Tried taking the wiper arms off, so I could remove the plastic trim. no joy couldnt budge the bloody things!!

yeah Im finding it well annoying. Silly thing is Im an alarm fitter so I should really be able to do it with my eyes shut but Im too scared of damaging the car lol. Might give it another go during the week, failing that the place I bought mu head unit from will do it for me for £40.
