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Zaino Enhancement Detail - 750BHP Nissan GTR

  Megane R26
I've been looking forward to doing one of these amazing cars for a while now as it's a personal favourite of mine and something I'd love to own within the next year or so, so getting to detail one was a true pleasure.

This particular GTR has been extensively modified, and is running around the 750BHP mark... :doublesho:doublesho:doublesho

The aim of the day was to remove the light swirling/wash marring the car had picked up, and to lay down some solid protection on the paintwork and wheels.

A few 'befores':


DSC03018 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03021 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03020 by RussZS, on Flickr

I dealt with the wheels, arches and tyres first.

Before - not too bad really!


DSC03022 by RussZS, on Flickr

AutoSmart Smart Wheels used at 10:1 with various brushes:


DSC03023 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03024 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03025 by RussZS, on Flickr

AutoSmart G101 used on tyres and arches:


DSC03026 by RussZS, on Flickr

Vikan Arch brush:


DSC03027 by RussZS, on Flickr

and pressure rinsed:


DSC03028 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the car was snow foamed with Megs Hyper Wash, to begin to safely break down the dirt present on the car, before making physical contact with it:


DSC03030 by RussZS, on Flickr

Whilst the Snow Foam was dwelling, I worked the more intricate areas with a Valet Pro Detail brush, and where required Surfex HD:


DSC03031 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03032 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the Hyper Wash was rinsed off and the car was hand washed using Auto Finesse Lather Shampoo and a CQuartz Mitt:


DSC03033 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03034 by RussZS, on Flickr

The was then rinsed. At this stage I would normally decontaminate the paintwork with IronX to deal with any fallout, Tardis for Tar and clay. All of this had been done very recently and wasn't required as the car was in superb condition still as it hadn't been used a great deal.

This is the only 'bleed' I managed to get:


DSC03035 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03036 by RussZS, on Flickr

The car was then foamed again, rinsed, then moved inside for drying:


DSC03037 by RussZS, on Flickr

After drying the paint was assessed for thickness, then various combinations, starting with the 'lightest' were tested to see which would achieve a good level of correction within the single day timeframe I had the car.

Average paint readings were around the 170 mark:


DSC03044 by RussZS, on Flickr

Defect wise the car had very light swirling probably induced from a few poor washes during its life, and a few deeper scratches.

Correction wise I settled for Megs 205 on a 3M Polishing Pad, stepping up to 205 and a Megs Cutting pad on the deeper defects:



DSC03039 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03041 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03046 by RussZS, on Flickr



DSC03048 by RussZS, on Flickr



DSC03049 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03051 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03056 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03058 by RussZS, on Flickr



DSC03064 by RussZS, on Flickr

After (still there but rounded off so not nearly as visible)


DSC03067 by RussZS, on Flickr

After correction, the car was wiped down with CarPro Eraser to remove any filling agents and polishing oils to prep the surface for Zaino Z2.


DSC03073 by RussZS, on Flickr

The wheels were protected with Auto Finesse Mint Rims, which leaves a superb finish on matte wheels:


DSC03074 by RussZS, on Flickr

Interior with Spritz, Glass with Crystal and Tyre with Pinnacle:


DSC03077 by RussZS, on Flickr

The aftermarket exhaust only needed a light polish - I used Auto Finesse Mercury on this:


DSC03075 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03076 by RussZS, on Flickr

A few cheeky shots of the engine (this was not detailed as I didn't have enough time in a single day):


DSC03061 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03062 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03063 by RussZS, on Flickr

I finished with a layer of Z8...


DSC03079 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03080 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03081 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03082 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03083 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03084 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03086 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03087 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03089 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03091 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03093 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03095 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03097 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03098 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03101 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03100 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03103 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03104 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03105 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03111 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03112 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03113 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03115 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03116 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC03117 by RussZS, on Flickr

Thanks for reading...

Next up we have a full correction detail on a Candy White Golf Edition 30, a full wet sand on an Audi A3, a partial wet sand Enhancement Detail on a Focus ST500 and an Enhancement on a show car Golf GTI with an amazing Plush interior...


Fantastic mate. Always love reading these :)

I think that Severn Valley place is the place they did the "900R" a clue to the power is in the name ;)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Superb work Russ. I can't say i'm the biggest GTR fan per se' but stunning colour.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Does it not slow you down when you are working to have to keep stopping and turning the brush the right way to pose for a photo etc?

Quite like reading these threads and I guess they are a good advert, but surely it must effect your work time?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
It does totally but it's still advertising at the end of the day.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I hear most of his day is drinking tea and taking photo's anyway, doesn't take too much time really, not much to it. Any billy with a buffer can get just as good results ;)

Awesome work Russ, just goes to show the level of work when someone asks you to do a car like that
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
It does totally but it's still advertising at the end of the day.

I hate stopping mid job to take pictures etc when im building engines, used to get quite a bit of stick off editors for when I have had "staff cars" in magazines and never have any decent pics of it when I am doing an update about work done etc.
Total drain having to keep stopping and posing for pics!


ClioSport Club Member
Awesome work and epic car. Love the Zaino Z2

I hate stopping mid job to take pictures etc when im building engines, used to get quite a bit of stick off editors for when I have had "staff cars" in magazines and never have any decent pics of it when I am doing an update about work done etc.
Total drain having to keep stopping and posing for pics!

You need a photocretary ;)
No need to say anything on the detail, Mr Aston. Exceptional as always and still top of a very small list to look after my cars in the future.

ST500 enhancement, hey? Now that is one I'm interested to see, from a products POV. SwissVax Opaque products?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
No need to say anything on the detail, Mr Aston. Exceptional as always and still top of a very small list to look after my cars in the future.

ST500 enhancement, hey? Now that is one I'm interested to see, from a products POV. SwissVax Opaque products?

You're thinking of the RS500 Matt Black ;)
  GSXR + KDX220
Love GT-R's, they just look "'ard" lol 750bhp must be awsome in a car thats so planted!

Did you get a ride in it courtesy of the customer? :)
  225 Cup & Williams
Such a stunning car. I've been in a standard one up a 1/4 mile strip and I thought that was mega fast so one with 750 bhp must be insane.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Jd you really know nothing about these rust buckets do you!

I explained all this!

Chip I know what you mean but I do it so people can take hints and tips from it. I like doing write ups actually.


ClioSport Club Member
Fantastic work as always!

I really have a thing for these cars. Just looking at one is exciting, absolute monster.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
I'm determined to have one of them. In white. Or a white EVO X.


Cool cars, but I'd be pretty nervous about gearbox costs unless you have very deep pockets.

A mate of mine does a lot of work on these and the rate that the gearboxes have been failing at even on standard cars is pretty pathetic TBH
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
^ on the GT-R or Evo?

The GT-R

Awesome design of car, but you can tell that they are made on the cheap compared to other supercars when you start looking inside the gearbox, the production tolerances just arent what they should be.
Hardly surprising though when its half the price of its competitors, that money had to get saved somewhere.
Suspension components, ie the arms themselves etc are another place he was saying they fall short of what he was expecting.

The whole thing is just clearly made to a price.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Brake discs made of cheese chip? ;)

Dont know anything about the brakes disks mate, not an area of the car he mentioned as being poor.

The transmission failures I mention are well documented though mate, just go and google it rather than take my word for it.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The one we have has had 2 sets now, both cracked through the drilled area.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I think it is. The guys isn't into cars per se he just likes it because it's relaly fast and kinda flash I guess. He goes through tyres like penny sweets.


ClioSport Club Member
(jaw just hit the floor) best colour combo and its made me want either matt black or gloss blaks finish to my wheels mm undecided. only thing that looks crap are those little l.e.d strips in the front bumper!!
  172 Cup
Thats a lovely motor :evil:

Top work as normal Russ, every single one of your details/write ups is fantastic mate! Thanks for sharing.
Jd you really know nothing about these rust buckets do you!

I explained all this!

Chip I know what you mean but I do it so people can take hints and tips from it. I like doing write ups actually.

:eek: I don't do Fords!
  george 172,205,metro
top job and i love when u tell us what products u are using for what job,helps us amateur people give it a go
  Honda & VW
Does it not slow you down when you are working to have to keep stopping and turning the brush the right way to pose for a photo etc?

Quite like reading these threads and I guess they are a good advert, but surely it must effect your work time?

Not only is it good advertising It's nice for the customer to see the processes from start to finish, shows them what was involved to get their pride and joy looking like it does when they come to collect.

Oh and Top notch results Russ as usual
