Bushes will probably be fine, but as your car is on ramps every other weekend, I'd just keep an eye on them.
haha yeah! I'll have a gander at them at the weekend. Hows your car coming along? Do you have the solid engine mounts btw? vibratechnic jobbies
This is one thread I always follow and love the little tweaks you do on your car as I wish that I will eventually get round to doing some of them on my car but the de wiper doesn't do it for me at all. I prefer the OEM plus look of this car but if you like it then that's all that matters.
Thanks a lot mate, so nice to hear
Never sure on de wipering cars, always prefer the wiper on but it seems to tidy yours up nicely.
Putting some repellent stuff on back window?
Cheers dude, found an inferno yet??

It's already got this stuff on that lasts 3 years / 10000 miles which I have on my windscreen, it's awesome stuff and you don't even need wipers on when it's proper throwing it down on the motorway as it all glides off.
So I read through this about a week ago because I'm a sad git with nothing better to do. Figured I'd make an account so I can abuse you on here too...
On a more serious note, we really need to organise another one right now. How does next week suit everyone? MAJOR withdrawal symptoms already!
One of those LCRs was <200bhp unfortunately 😧
Will have it all sorted for the next one, then we'll see about getting under a minute...
Hahah alright Mr Rainbow!! Glad you've signed up does that mean you'll be getting a clio soon? If you do can you make it arctic blue so we can do loads of side by side comparison shots, before and afters etc?
I SO want to do another track day. Maybe an open pit one in like 4 months or so that we can get involved in
@AdamR would you be game?
Would give me enough time to sort out some track wheels and tyres as i've destroyed my nearside one at the front from curborough with it rubbing which reminds me
@Bunta , won't be doing that track day dude for the above reason - going to source some cheap wheels and get soem track tyres for them before doing it again.
let me know when you go curborough next. 30 mins from me.
Definitely will do mate
Great thread I have read most of it whilst waiting for a flight. The longer megane scenic shifter. What age is that off or do you have a part number? You have inspired me to rebuild my clio currently sat in the garage needing some TLC
Thanks mate, hope your flight was all good

hate airports haha I bleive it's from a 2001-2003 scenic or around those years but i'm sure someone will confirm. They go for around £20 on ebay for the whole unit. SUCH a worthwhile mod though, it looks so weird looking at the standard gearknob now can't believe how low down it is!!
This thread inspired me....
OMP GP 330mm has just been bought!
You won't regret it baby! the only downside is the material can be quite slippy now and again so make sure your hands aren't lubed up for whatever reason. Might have to start going in dry lol
Loving the updates! Making me want to come back to the Clio / Renault side!
You should do it mate, what did you have before?