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What have you done to your car today ???

  Clio 182 FF
Been tinkering and looking for problems before its MOT at the weekend

Little issue with the pure Motorsport top mounts. If anyone has any experience is welcome your thoughts. ☺️
  BMW 320d SE
Finally got the Clio back from the insurers, only to find fresh damage to the front! Took the car to the body shop to have the rear end damage (boot floor) sorted.
  Mk1 1.8 16V Turbo
This lot fitted yesterday with 4 new PS3 tyres


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Prepared my heart to sell it... as I put down a deposit on a new car. Genuinely feel a bit sick as the Clio has been the best car I've ever had! Owned it 4x times longer than anything else too.
Fitted my racing flex poly Bush dog bone bushes. Surprisingly easy. The only difficult part was getting the dog bone back in as the poly Bush is a tight fit at the back.


Now to let it bed in. On idle it's fine on gentle acceleration it feels like the car is going to shake apart!


ClioSport Club Member
Still removing tar residue :neutral::pensive:
Although it's nearly time to vacuum and wash the insides before painting!! Hopefully this afternoon it will be started.
Never removing sound deadening again.
  Clio 172 Cup
Fitted some grooved and dimpled discs with EBC Ultimax Pads and painted the calipers!

It stops on a six pence now!!


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Pat 182

ClioSport Club Member
  cliosport 182
Put direnza rad on and Forge hoses
Nice steady job

Bit thicker core


Hope u can see new hoses lol

Cheers Pat
  RenaultSport clio 182
Replaced os driveshaft. All done and dusted before 0830 thanks to the clocks going back! Never mind an extra hour of sleep....its an extra hour of car maintenance!!! Old driveshaft was proper rattly.

  182, SQ7, Trafic
Replaced os driveshaft. All done and dusted before 0830 thanks to the clocks going back! Never mind an extra hour of sleep....its an extra hour of car maintenance!!! Old driveshaft was proper rattly.


You've got two different size shafts there? Something isn't right?!
  RenaultSport clio 182
You've got me worried now @DannyR . They looked the same on a quick inspection and it fitted but now you've pointed it out in the photo it does look odd. I used a Renault part number given to me by mike at Rentech to cross reference against the shaftec part number and they matched up. Renault number 8200027842 and shaftec number R209AR. I've driven it and it seems ok. How would I know if it's not?


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Bought 2 Bosch Areo Wipers for under £10 and took them to they garage and left them on the roof


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Removed the not even screwed in 'fli' door speakers (yes, the previous owner just placed them in the doors because they were too big for the holes. Every time I hit a pot hole both front door speakers fell out and dangled by the wires...) and re-fitted some standard ones I had in the garage.

Binned my knackered standard stereo and fitted a pioneer unit.

New rear number plate light and led bulb, new led sidelight bulbs.

Lovely jublee.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Removed all the crap from my dash / windscreen for the non smashed windscreen to be fitted tomorrow
  182, SQ7, Trafic
You've got me worried now @DannyR . They looked the same on a quick inspection and it fitted but now you've pointed it out in the photo it does look odd. I used a Renault part number given to me by mike at Rentech to cross reference against the shaftec part number and they matched up. Renault number 8200027842 and shaftec number R209AR. I've driven it and it seems ok. How would I know if it's not?

Non genuine ones just do not fit whatsoever, you can see its longer by a fair bit.

Where was movement in the old one as it could always be the old one that's wrong?
  RenaultSport clio 182
The movement in the old one was the outer cv joint being knackered. I'll phone the company today.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I don't know. Looks old enough to be
I had no end of trouble with driveshafts and I found the cup ones (slightly longer) used to grind inside the gearbox on sharp corners.

If yours fit ok and don't make any noise, I wouldn't worry about it.
  RenaultSport clio 182
This is a nightmare. Thanks @Daniel and @DannyR. I'll try some tight corners and see if it makes any noises. Need to replace the droning rear wheel bearing before I'll hear anything though!!!
