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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?

  Clio Trophy
Hey Everyone!

As the title says really... I watch a lot of YouTube, and a majority of videos I watch are either car or bike related... but I'm hungry for more!
So what car related YouTube channels do you watch and why?

I'll share a few obvious ones and smaller YouTubers for a start:
- Austin Leonard - He has a VW T2 and a BMW E30 that he works on, does't post too often, but I like seeing older stuff.
- Boosted - For me, it's a little cringe when he doesn't know how to do something relatively simple sometimes, but I admire his enthusiasm 100%.
- Hoovies Garage - Honda NSX, Bentley Continental GT, AMG Mercedes, as well as some older american stuff... I can watch his content for hours.
- Seen Through Glass - Ferrari to come and other amazing high end cars to drool over, he annoys the other half no end, but I like him.

Plus lots more...
But what about you? Who should I watch?


ClioSport Club Member
Seen Through Glass is the one for me. He doesn't do the usual kind of wrapping and modding every car like a lot of YouTubers. Plus he's quite down to earth.

Supercars of London can be okay depending on what the content is.

Slowly getting into MrJWW.


ClioSport Club Member
I watch... a lot (although at the moment it's mainly bikes)

Car Throttle
Doug DeMuro
George Karellas (restores old cars, videography is fantastic)
Joe Achilles
LegitStreetCars (enthusiastic American with an E55)
Nick Murray (Kiwi bloke with a 911, a bit obsessed with his dog but amusing)
Road and Race (because he did an M3 series, currently I think he's buying or bought a 182)
@Scrooge Media
SOL (I've warmed to him again)
Tavarish (buys expensive cars cheaply)
The Smoking Tire
White Details (there are cars in there I guess..)

Baron Von Grumble
Do It With Dan
Fast Bikes Magazine
Joanna F Benz
Lamb Chop Rides
Motocyclist Magazine (they do interesting commute videos)
Mr Temjin
Two Wheel Review

I may have a problem...
  Clio Trophy
Cookie - looks like you've copied mine pretty much 😂 44TEETH is so underrated as a channel for now. You've got loads I've not heard of too. Thanks!
I've not heard of Eric The Car Guy before... good shout car.crash
Roadkill are good but not on my list yet - also a good shout :up:


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I watch... a lot (although at the moment it's mainly bikes)

Car Throttle
Doug DeMuro
George Karellas (restores old cars, videography is fantastic)
Joe Achilles
LegitStreetCars (enthusiastic American with an E55)
Nick Murray (Kiwi bloke with a 911, a bit obsessed with his dog but amusing)
Road and Race (because he did an M3 series, currently I think he's buying or bought a 182)
@Scrooge Media
SOL (I've warmed to him again)
Tavarish (buys expensive cars cheaply)
The Smoking Tire
White Details (there are cars in there I guess..)

Baron Von Grumble
Do It With Dan
Fast Bikes Magazine
Joanna F Benz
Lamb Chop Rides
Motocyclist Magazine (they do interesting commute videos)
Mr Temjin
Two Wheel Review

I may have a problem...

You do have an issue, honoured I’m at part of it too. Though I guess you have no choice as I just send you all the links lol


ClioSport Club Member
This was AFTER me paring it back last week.. I still have like 20+ things that aren't car or bike related too..


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Petrolicious, doing a lot of classic Ferraris at the moment.

Bad Obsession Motorsport, they're gods of fabrication, building a Celica turbo Mini, with a lot of Naked Gun style comedy along the way.

Colin Furze does car based stuff occasionally, you should be subscribed to him anyway.

1320Video for all the fastest dragsters and some street racing. 2000+bhp GTRs and Gallardos.

FORMAT67.NET mostly does adverts for Akrapovic these days but is a brilliant videographer, if you haven't seen his NSX video then frankly you haven't lived.

DRIVETRIBE does occasionally do decent reviews, they also stream VLN, Irish Drift Championship etc.

TaxTheRich100 doesn't really post anything any more... but subscribe just in case they do.


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
I enjoy the Hoonigan daily stuff. It's very American and they just do burnouts most of the time but it's quite amusing.

DannyDc2 and Monky London from the uk. Did watch 621 but have gone off him recently.

Rowan - Mortgage Expert

ClioSport Trader
  Audi SQ5
Mr JWW is my favourite personally. Used to watch all of his associates channels too like Supercars of London, Seen Through Glass, Seb Delaney, Archie Hamilton but they all annoy me now, I think JWW is just a bit more grown up in his attitude and video making skills.
For bikes, I've followed Baron Von Grumble for years now, good chap, good content.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Mr JWW is my favourite personally. Used to watch all of his associates channels too like Supercars of London, Seen Through Glass, Seb Delaney, Archie Hamilton but they all annoy me now, I think JWW is just a bit more grown up in his attitude and video making skills.
For bikes, I've followed Baron Von Grumble for years now, good chap, good content.
I too prefer MrJWW to the other you mentioned but Seen Through Glass has now got much better videography, so I'm enjoying that one.
No love for Shmee ? Lol!!

Tbh, most of them do my f**king head in, I watched Doug DeMuro with his E63 wagon last night, hated the bloke! I did like the dude who had the black E55 with different wheels on it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Another vote for Mr JWW, combination of good cinematography and a likeable personality (aspecially compared to the likes of Shmee). Dont mind archie hamilton but hes a bit enthusiastic, started watch TGE as hes pretty funny, and rips on Archie.
Dont watch much bike stuff although i do like walterific

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Another vote for Mr JWW, combination of good cinematography and a likeable personality (aspecially compared to the likes of Shmee). Dont mind archie hamilton but hes a bit enthusiastic, started watch TGE as hes pretty funny, and rips on Archie.
Dont watch much bike stuff although i do like walterific
me, in the last week or so I've watched a few Harry's Garage videos (not subscribed as I'm not sure how to do it, can't be arsed with creating a youtube account) but after reading the replies on here I wasn't going to post it due to fear of being labelled old...:tongueout:

I see @sj2112 watches his too.:up:


ClioSport Club Member
Another vote for Mr JWW, combination of good cinematography and a likeable personality (aspecially compared to the likes of Shmee). Dont mind archie hamilton but hes a bit enthusiastic, started watch TGE as hes pretty funny, and rips on Archie.
Dont watch much bike stuff although i do like walterific
I used to like Archie, but all he does now is shout and get excited, and ruin his cars. His R8 was perfect, then he went and wrapped it and put a massive exhaust on it to keep his 'fans' happy, even though the comments (from his fans) say he's ruined it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Thanks for the quote @Short Legs :wink:

I used to like Archie, but all he does now is shout and get excited, and ruin his cars. His R8 was perfect, then he went and wrapped it and put a massive exhaust on it to keep his 'fans' happy, even though the comments (from his fans) say he's ruined it.

Yeh and the way he always says 'my satin purple Audi R8 V10 Plus' whenever he refers to it, altho he's realised everyone mocks him for that 😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Did watch 621 but have gone off him recently.

Yeh, I've gone off him a bit too, videos have gone mega boring and he seems to be full of self pity at the moment.

Main ones I watch are DannyDC2, who I've watched for aaaaaages now and AdamC3046. Do like some of the CarThrottle stuff though as well as boqer123 and ExoticCarspotters.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 90 300tdi
Harrys Garage is a lesser known one to go for.
Chris Harris on Cars but some ( if not all ) are under Top Gear now?!
Some of the early Drive stuff, like Matt Farah's stuff but it's all a bit sold out now
Shmee is annoying imo

edit: almost forgot one of the best ongoing builds/vids: Bad Obsession Motorsport

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Love harrys garage, the episode where he drove an outboard engine down to his yacht in the south of france using a classic ferrari was very enjoyable!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio & No Megane
Mighty car mods: Excellent channel on building cool modified motors and doing up bangers. Especially awesome when Turbo Yoda is involved.
Eric the car guy: Still got loads of good content even if he has given up the channel for the moment.
ChrisFix: Good repair and mods channel.
Yotah1: Enjoy his Twingo RS 205 F4R Nurburgring videos.

Used to watch Engineering Explained not really any more, although still a great channel with a lot of awesome information on automotive engineering. The channel went in a direction I didn't really like, mostly car reviews and Top 5 of X or 10 Best Y type channel.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Love harrys garage, the episode where he drove an outboard engine down to his yacht in the south of france using a classic ferrari was very enjoyable!
In the front of his testarossa, he's also driven that car down to the shara.
  Albi Blue 200
With the exception of the vloggers, I watch everything you guys have listed on here.

There's also an Italian guy called Davide Cironi who puts out very decent content IMHO (tons of 90s euro hot hatches as well).
