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  Clio 182
hi, this is the first post I've done on here but I've had the account a while cause its fun looking at peoples build threads to get ideas, but anyways back to the main issue..
a few months ago i was driving back from work and all of a sudden the engine management light started flashing and the engine became running really lumpy and was struggling to accelarate lit it was running off of 3 cylinders, so took it to the garage and they said the third fuel injector wasn't work so tested it a few time and thats what it was, so ordered a new fuel injector and when it came i went about fitting it which was pretty simple, but also noticed the inlet manifold gasket was pretty oily and seemed to be leaking but before putting it back together i thought id check the spark plugs and 1,2 and 3 were looking how they should look but number 4 was covered in oil on the thread and on the bottom where the spark is produced so cleaned it up and put it back together and started the car up, seemed to be better like it was running on all 4 again but was still running pretty lumpy, also thought id check the map sensor but when i unplugged it the engine just turned off so that seems to be working out, gonna borrow a diagnostics machine tomorrow and see what codes its coming up with but if anyone has had this sort of problem before and has any idea what it could be that would be brilliant !
  Clio 182
just went to start it up and leave it on idle to see if it sorted its self out when it warmed up but all of a sudden the eml light started flashing again but surely it can't be a fuel injector if ive just changed it...


ClioSport Club Member
  ITB's RB & F56 jCW
I have this exact same issue.

I've changed coilpack and HT Leads on mine along with the injectors.

May be worth checking those too. Mine is still running the same way BTW. Still need to cure it.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
  Clio 182
well i checked the coil pack bro and its producing a spark on all 4 connections so i guess next step would be to check ht leads like you said, still no the wiser about 3 spark plugs being dry but the 4th of covered in oil from the thread down ?
  PH2 172
hi, this is the first post I've done on here but I've had the account a while cause its fun looking at peoples build threads to get ideas, but anyways back to the main issue..
a few months ago i was driving back from work and all of a sudden the engine management light started flashing and the engine became running really lumpy and was struggling to accelarate lit it was running off of 3 cylinders, so took it to the garage and they said the third fuel injector wasn't work so tested it a few time and thats what it was, so ordered a new fuel injector and when it came i went about fitting it which was pretty simple, but also noticed the inlet manifold gasket was pretty oily and seemed to be leaking but before putting it back together i thought id check the spark plugs and 1,2 and 3 were looking how they should look but number 4 was covered in oil on the thread and on the bottom where the spark is produced so cleaned it up and put it back together and started the car up, seemed to be better like it was running on all 4 again but was still running pretty lumpy, also thought id check the map sensor but when i unplugged it the engine just turned off so that seems to be working out, gonna borrow a diagnostics machine tomorrow and see what codes its coming up with but if anyone has had this sort of problem before and has any idea what it could be that would be brilliant !

Hope you are aware No 1 cylinder is the gearbox end.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
By number 4 plug you mean one closest to the engine oil fill hole? Most likely just a messy fill
  Clio 182
is if the inlet manifold gasket had a leak then it was letting air in after the maf so your ecu wouldn't account for the air by adding more fuel if you get what I mean, could that be it ?
