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Bowen's 182 pt.2


ClioSport Club Member
Some of you may recall I bought an Arctic Blue 182 to keep me busy through lockdown etc. I finally got it up to scratch had a blast at a local trackday and then a mate who I'd been bugging for a year to buy his 182, decided to sell it. The one I should have bought.

Originally he planned to split the mods etc and when I added up what I wanted (£1500) it made sense to sell my no history 182, for a 182 with history (belts done last year) and the mods I wanted...

I'd helped my mate out on this car so I knew it was clean and would be a better "investment" than the Blue Clio.

So here is the new toy. Iceburg silver 182 FF Cup Pack.

Full documented history, cambelt, dephaser etc. Receipts for everything since my mate bought it in 2016.

Mods include
PMS shifter
Speedline 2118's
Eibach springs
Cobra Superturismo(?) pro seats
KTEC cat back
Powerflex bushes here and there
Intake, battery cover etc.
More stuff but nothing we haven't seen before.

When I picked it up...

Assessing what I'd bought exactly.

Speedlines had previously had a bad rattle can refurb. If you look closely you can see the letters have melted.


So I had these refurbed (only 3 in the photo, but there is 4)

A bit of a preventative measure grinding down the rear of the block.
Whilst there I noticed the inner tie rod was floppy as you like, so I ordered a pair of inner tie rods and track rod ends.


And here it is for the time being. I've put on fresh plates, X4 interstate DNRT tyres and some general tidying up.

Needs alignment sorted, fresh discs, pads, fluid and an oil change and a few other little bits but other than that it's good to go (a few bits he says)...




ClioSport Club Member
Ha. Yes mate! Fabia VRS days. Nothing beats a PD lump.

Remember your detailed build, was it an ibiza FR you had?

Got a clio thread on here?


ClioSport Club Member
No I'm on my macbook and not my phone and these images are huge, I can see how stinking it is. Need to throw a bucket over it!


ClioSport Club Member
Oil and filter
Fresh spark plugs
PBS pads
Brembo HC discs
Decat which I bodged where it meets the KTEC cat back. Will need to look at that again soon.
Powerflex upper engine mount insert.





Wheel alignment tomorrow and then I can use it!


Still need to wash it.


ClioSport Club Member
Just took it down the road.

I may, no I HAVE, messed up. So the tracking is way, way out. Car is crabbing down the road and tyres are screeching at 5mph...... Ughhh.


ClioSport Club Member
After fitting all of the above parts, and counting the threads of the inner tie rods the tracking was way, way out. I couldn't make it down my street without the steering wheel fighting me and the tyres sounding like I was a champion drifter. Nursed it home, licked my wounds and went to insta where a number of people suggested I get some string and axle stands, without any other context or instructions.

In step @Adeyspec who slid in to my DM's with just the info I needed. The next day I set out to correct the alignment by eye, just to get me to an alignment place.


Straight to a local alignment place that opened up just across the road, wasn't sure if they were open, fortunately they were and it wasn't a long drive somewhere else.

On the drive there it felt good, not perfect but it wasn't fighting me.


Technician/mechanic/alignment bloke asks "what have you done to this?"

I explained and he replied "the driver side is within tolerance but the passenger side is off the scale, it won't even register!"

He should have seen it yesterday.

Again thanks to @Adeyspec for the help, really appreciate it.

Now, it drives straight.


ClioSport Club Member
After having all of the bits done and the alignment sorted I took it out for it's first proper spin in my ownership.

Pleased to say it is awesome. Rattling heatshield and the heatshield under the shifter tower needs reinstating as it's no there. Slight blow on the exhaust.

I also do a bit of automotive photography in my spare time. So took the opportunity to take some proper photos.


If you reached this far, well done.


ClioSport Club Member
Some cracking photos.

Glad you got it sorted mate. Great photos! Are you heading up to the clio meet at C&M on the 24th?

Thanks both, I've got an Instagram page for my photography work, although it's taken a backseat for a while. However taking the photos of the Clio made me realise how much I enjoy it. Its @bowz_media if anyone wants to see more.

I'll be at caffeine and machine meet. I'll bring my camera and get some photos.


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Thanks both, I've got an Instagram page for my photography work, although it's taken a backseat for a while. However taking the photos of the Clio made me realise how much I enjoy it. Its @bowz_media if anyone wants to see more.

I'll be at caffeine and machine meet. I'll bring my camera and get some photos

When is this meet?


ClioSport Club Member
Now the tracking was sorted I started using the Clio a little bit more to see if/what more niggles it had. Apart from the decat bodge, rattling heat shield and the really rattley PMS it went and stopped really well.

A few more pics



Then back home to start more tinkering....

Headlight polish. They look OK here but I wasn't happy so did them again.


Better. Extra points if you can spot the other subtle change....

Yep, headlight washer blanks.

I also did some tweaking to the heatshield and PMS shifter. The heatshield was a simple fix. The PMS I followed some tips and tricks on here, wrapping the linkage bolts and also filing the PMS linkage itself with Kiln Dried sand. I was just about to fill the linkage boot with heavy red grease to notice I had no linkage boot to fill. So I've ordered one of them.

Now I was all set for caffeine and machine.

2hrs there. The Clio drove fine. The PMS rattled but so did this other rattle from the back/exhaust area of the car! Ughhhhh. I think it's an exhaust mount. Will investigate.

Enough talking more pics...





One thing I noticed about the Clio was how high the rear sat. After seeing the squat on @MrBlonde 's Clio, I knew something had to be done. So I've just ordered some BC DS Coilovers from @Kev@KAM



ClioSport Club Member
Nice choice on the Coilovers mate,will they be on ready for the next meet there?🤔

I'd like to think so. I had a delivery message from KAM/DPD saying delivery tomorrow! Went for 8kg F/R which I think is standard so maybe they have them in stock ready to go. I'll get them on this weekend if that's the case!

Then I'm contemplating a half cage, possibly.

It's amazing how different yours looked to mine because of how it sat! Loved it.


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for the kind words mate & once you get the coilovers on,it will transform the car.I was actually thinking about cages today also but maybe needs seats first,top work mate.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Really really nice mate, looks lovely. Silver does look great when it’s polished up!
Who did your dials please?


ClioSport Club Member
BC DS coilovers arrived next day delivery from @Kamracing cannot fault the service at all.

Coilovers look the business. Hopefully fitting this weekend.


I choose 8kg/8kg as that seems to be the middle group between a b road blast and a track day. Time will tell.

As previously mentioned I was (still am) on a mission to stop or at least reduce the PMS rattle. I was missing the rubber gear linkage boot which people recommend filling with heavy grease.

Rubber boot sourced, on to fitting.....On taking the PMS linkage out I snapped the white nylon bush thing. So ordered one of them. Anyway, the linkage is all back together but I am yet to test it out.

The rattle from the rear that I mentioned started on the way to caffiene and machine, that needed up being one of the exhaust mount Bush mounting plates. Again which I think I have sorted but not sure until I take it out.

Whilst waiting for the nylon Bush replacement I removed the sills and rear inner door cards to check for the "R word". Thankfully, none present.


Inner sills look pretty good I think?



That's all for now. Hopefully next up date the Coilovers are on....


ClioSport Club Member
Yesterday a mate and I set about fitting the Coilovers. It was one of those jobs on a car that you think will take 2/3hrs....but ended up taking 6hrs.

Front driver side came off nice. I went to make a brew and my mate (Liam) came running in with a sheepish look.

"you need to come look at this"

Fearing the worst 'it's fallen of the axle stand/it's crash damaged etc'

I walk in to the garage to that obvious pungent smell of gearbox oil and its all over the garage floor. Liam had pulled the driveshaft out. Oh dear. He was gutted but mistakes happen. This meant taking the whole side off and driveshaft off to reseat the boot. Luckily I hadn't changed the gearbox oil but now I had no excuse.

We carried on with the smell of gearbox oil all around and got the fronts done.

Rears took 45mins.

Less taking more photos.....

The set up, pre shaft removal.

Drivers side in and down.

Rear looking squat...

I couldn't get the car out (no gearbox oil) so this was the finished product...

And a shot of the rears.

Can't make any comment on the ride etc as I haven't driven it. Quality of the coilovers is amazing though.

Ordered gearbox oil ELF NFJ seems hard to get hold of?


ClioSport Club Member
On the subject of coilovers....

How do I adjust the camber and caster on the BC's? I know I have to move the all bolt top mounts in/out wards but the strut top isn't a circle its oval, so it won't move around?


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ClioSport Club Member
Thanks to a few people on here and through Instagram I managed to adjust the camber/castor. I've done it myself for now until I've found somewhere that can do a proper geo setup close to home.

I couldn't resist taking it out for a spin...




Really pleased with the ride quality on the BC's. Currently on full soft just to get a feel for it.

Any suggestions for a proper geo setup in South Wales appreciated.


ClioSport Club Member
When I bought the Clio it came with a box of spares and a box of upgrades/modifications.

One of these modifications was a Steering Wheel lowering kit. I never really thought it needed lowering but the kit was there so why not.

Fitting wasn't difficult but there's not guide with the kit and even CSOC didnt prove that helpful. Any way they were in.



Not the best pic to be honest.
Anyway, they are coming straight back off. I can't see the clocks and my knee hits the steering wheel when changing gear. For those interested, I'm 6ft 1", seats are mounted to Jon Foz low bases and the seats are at their lowest.
I've sold the kit incase anyone was going to ask.

I carried out some preventative maintenance by coating the inner rear sills with Dynax.


Finally I took the Clio out for another little spin (to test the steering wheel height)


If you made it this far, we'll done.

I've booked the Clio in to the Motorworks for a proper geo and corner weighting. Then finally I can book some track time.


ClioSport Club Member
Went to see Tom at the motorworks who is a genius when it comes to corner weighting and geo etc.

The drive there was uneventful the steering was out but it drive straight enough.

Met Tom discussed what I wanted from the setup and what the car will be used for and took my hefty frame in to consideration for the corner weighting.

No sooner had I walked to a nearby Mcdonalds for a coffee, Tom sends me a video... I won't put it here but imagine what a wheel would do if it had a very loose camber bolt. He asked who fitted them, I said a local mechanic, it was me.



Whilst Tom was fixing my mistake and making it point straight the wife and I popped in to Gloucester centre and spent a small fortune.

Had the call and the car was ready. Raised ever so slightly, corner weighted and pointing straight. I asked Tom for a fast road/track geo (leaning towards track as its not a daily).

The drive home was AWESOME. The Clio is now so "darty", "direct" and "nimble" all the other verbs.

Can recommend the motorworks to anyone who needs a proper geo.


ClioSport Club Member
Nice work mate,whats involved with corner weighing set up?

In layman's terms (or how I understand it) each wheel has a scale placed under it and using the height/pre load of the Coilovers the weight is the distributed to achieve a 50/50 split. Bit much for a road car but as this is a toy and it was included in the Geo anyway I thought why not.


ClioSport Club Member
Sounds good mate and so what if just for the road👍🏻

Be interesting to see how different it drives now,real test is in wales soon then.
Even just changing lanes on the A roads on the way home it was really accurate and direct.

Yeah big test is the Wales drive I'm organising. Which brings me on to my next modification.... A cup holder!
