Once again, CSF has been another great event. I think because we haven't had one for a while, it probably felt more special and more people wanted to attend. Weather was bang on all day, maybe a bit too much, but no one can help that. I think we all got a colour. Some red, some brown but definitely
@Brigsy won the crown for most tanned person of the day!
Everybody was on good vibes and it just felt relaxed. I spoke to so many people and it was great to see people that I speak to daily on here but haven seen for ages.
Huge kudos to the admin team again. I know they put a lot of time and effort to make these happen and they all did a great job. The tunes playing in the background is a definite winner. Just makes the whole day feel more chilled out.
I won't tag everyone as there's way to many, but thank you all for taking the time to make the effort with Drew. It was his first real big event and definitely his first track day and everyone made a point of saying hello.
Up the CSF!