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AC compressor makes clip clip noises... Like a horse?


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
Anyone else had their AC compressor make clip clop noises? This is a new one on me. Or maybe they're tick tock noises. Either way it's having a bit of an identity crisis.

Pretty sure I've confirmed it as the compressor, as I've been around the engine bay with a stethoscope. Was able to check the tensioner, alternator, compressor, metal timing cover, and crank pulley area without losing my fingers in the belt.

The sound is clear as day when on the AC compressor, so I'm fairly sure it's that. Everywhere else was pretty much just a healthy bearing whirring kind of noise.

Noise is the same with the AC clutch both engaged and disengaged, which I found odd.

Was able to capture it pretty well on my phone. Thoughts?



ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
Leave it. Any extra horsepower in a clio is a welcome bonus no? 🤣

Not sure if it's worth the "trotting down the road" sound effects. 😂

It's blowing my mind a bit as normally AC compressor noises would either be the clutch mechanism (which should stop with the clutch engaged) or the compressor itself (which should only be apparent with the clutch engaged).

So normally I'd say it's something else, but I really can't trace the noise to any other component with the stethoscope.

I've decided screw it and have bought a new (used) compressor. Only 30 quid, we'll see what that does.

Maybe something's got a bit loose and the pulley is clipping the coil or something? In which case it'd make noises the whole time.


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
Swapped out the AC compressor today. Wasn't the source of the noise!

Had another poke about with the stethoscope and managed to find the noise on a bit of engine block near the water pump - maybe even more clearly than I could hear it on the compressor. Have a brand new pump sitting around - will get that on and see if it stops it.


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
Uh oh, parts cannon alert! 😂

Sometimes it's the only way. 😂

To be honest I wanted another AC compressor to rebuild with a new seal kit on the work bench, so no biggie that it didn't turn out to be the issue.

The water pump I was originally planning on changing with the aux belt kit, but in a moment of laziness thought I'd get away without! Think it's the original water pump, and the car has never had a coolant flush in my ownership either - so it can't hurt to get it done.


ClioSport Club Member
Spray some water or touch of wd-40 on the belt, the supercharger belt on one of my old cars used to chirp like a budgie and drive every dog mental. Was a little spot of rust on the belt which I only found accidentally while cleaning bay.

Couldn't find it with the stethoscope!

Could also be a tensioner or idler pulley?


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
I get the same sound from the top engine mount rubber making contact with the metal surround it sits in, mine only does it when pulling away in first.

I've had the engine running sitting on the jack with that mount completely removed, still hear it unfortunately!

Spray some water or touch of wd-40 on the belt, the supercharger belt on one of my old cars used to chirp like a budgie and drive every dog mental. Was a little spot of rust on the belt which I only found accidentally while cleaning bay.

Couldn't find it with the stethoscope!

Could also be a tensioner or idler pulley?
I'll try the water trick just to be sure it's not somehow related to the new belt.

Tensioner and idler have already been changed along with the aux belt. When it started making the noise I threw the old tensioner and idler back on just to confirm it wasn't one of the new components, and the noise was still present.

Unfortunately the weather looks crap tomorrow or I'd get on with changing the water pump to rule that out!


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
So with the new water pump on... Noise still persists! So I ran the engine with no aux belt, and the noise disappears. So the noise is on the aux drive somewhere!

The aux drive has a new water pump, new tensioner, new idler and a new (used) AC compressor. No change in noise.

It has the original PAS pump and alternator, but it doesn't sound like it is these at all with the stethoscope. The noise is probably strongest with the stethoscope on the AC compressor bracket?

If no one else has any great ideas I think I'm both concluding that it's one of those "nothing to worry about" noises. It's not on the cam belt system, it's doesn't sound like imminent bearing failure, and all of the common wear items on the aux drive have been replaced. To be honest you have to go looking for the noise too as it's not silly loud, not sure if I'll notice it with the bumper back on the car?

I guess if nothing else I've done a load of good preventative maintenance. 😂
  BG 182FF


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
A little bit parts cannon I'll admit. 😂 I didn't have history for any of the aux belt stuff being changed though so that needed doing anyway.

Car is back on the ground now but living with the noise isn't going very well, can't stop myself looking for it!

Ruled out the carbon canister and low pas fluid causing a pump noise on my lunch break today...


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
Does the noise change when the belt gets wet?

When you changed the AC compressor, did you keep the old AC clutch?

Tried wetting the belt last night. Noise was still there, although possibly slightly damped by the sizzling on the hot engine and general wet belt noises. It wasn't like pouring water onto a squealing belt, where the noise completely disappears.

That said I haven't completely ruled out the belt itself yet. If I get desperate maybe I'll buy a new one and try it out.

The replacement compressor was fitted with a clutch, so yeah that's been replaced. Annoyingly I cut the old belt off, so I can't refit just to rule out the belt.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
This is the weirdest thing I think I've ever heard. Genuinely sounds like there's a full size house trotting around your engine bay, how odd


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182FF
This is driving me mad and its not even my car. With the belt off I take it you have everything a good spin and feel?

Yep gave all the bearings a check and they all felt really good to be honest. And half of them are new now anyway!

I know right.

When it makes the noise is one of your mates always there?

That would explain why he had two coconut halves in his toolbox? 😂

This is the weirdest thing I think I've ever heard. Genuinely sounds like there's a full size house trotting around your engine bay, how odd

I've never heard a noise like that before on a Clio and I've been around loads 😂

Glad it's not just me who's mind is blown by this. I'll find it one day and it'll probably be something ridiculous.

Gonna have a good think and see if I can come up with some creative ways of ruling stuff out without going full parts cannon.
  Ftype SVR & E46 M3
Hi there

Bumping this thread as today I’ve just had a garage fit me new timing belt kit, AUC belt kit and dephaser using genuine parts.

Now at idle my car makes this same horse trotting noise as the OP. I’ve also noticed my AC is not blowing cold 🥶 air any more whereas it was before having belts changed. The AC compressor is kicking in as I hear it click and the trotting noise gets louder and turn AC off you hear the compressor go off and the trotting is quieter.

I’ve let garage know but awaiting a response but wondered if you ever got to the bottom of your trotting noise as pre garage noise it did not do this and AC blew cold, now after been done it’s identifying as a horse and AC no longer blows cold.

Car is a 182 Trophy.
  Ftype SVR & E46 M3
Thanks guys.

I literally drove to garage no trotting noises and working AC.

Collected later same day and upon getting home noticed the noise and that AC no longer blows cold.

Car seems to drive and pull fine, idle is maybe a tad more lumpy but it was smooth before and I know these cars idle a bit off, pulls well just noticed these things. Messaged garage who has received message but no reply but it’s the weekend but am gonna nip Kwik Fit and get the AC pressure tested as the garage was running late getting my car finished as alternator was giving them hard time so I’m wondering if they knocked the AC line which runs under the alternator letting gas escape.
  Ftype SVR & E46 M3
Just visited a local mechanic his opinion is that the cambelt is ever slightly too tight especially as I told him it does not do it from cold. He said not to worry about it and over time as the belt runs in the noise could go.

Regarding AC he said it’s not even trying and he suspects it could have lost the gas whilst been worked on or it’s pure coincidence and the car has a condenser leak. So something to get tested.
  Ftype SVR & E46 M3
Just visited a local mechanic his opinion is that the cambelt is ever slightly too tight especially as I told him it does not do it from cold. He said not to worry about it and over time as the belt runs in the noise could go.

Regarding AC he said it’s not even trying and he suspects it could have lost the gas whilst been worked on or it’s pure coincidence and the car has a condenser leak. So something to get tested.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just visited a local mechanic his opinion is that the cambelt is ever slightly too tight especially as I told him it does not do it from cold. He said not to worry about it and over time as the belt runs in the noise could go.

Regarding AC he said it’s not even trying and he suspects it could have lost the gas whilst been worked on or it’s pure coincidence and the car has a condenser leak. So something to get tested.
The belt is tight? Lol what
  Ftype SVR & E46 M3
I think it's an automatic tensioner? Could be wrong though

Ah thanks.
I've emailed Birchdown and will get it booked in with them for their feedback and if required let them do the job again.
Was originally going to go with them as they did my 172 Cup, but a guy local who races Clio's who owns his own garage assured me he had all the kit and knew exactly what he was doing. So I took a leap of faith which may have been miss-judged, shall see if he responds to my messages Monday.

The car drives fine, it feels as strong as it did and is smooth and sounds fine under load, just at idle is the very faint horse trotting noise similar to what is in the OPs video, though it is quieter on my car.

AC been re-gassed at Halfords and blowing ice cold again, so this mechanic either did knock a pipe and let the gas escape or I have a slow leak on a condensor and it was pure coincidence I noticed lack of cold air on drive home after belts been done.

Apart from the noise which is only audible and very faint at idle, the car drives fine, but noises worry and annoy me, so it will go into Birchdown for a check over and the work getting re-done if necessary. The only other difference is pre work the idle was also a tad higher around 1000rpm and smoother, car now idles around 800rpm and is a tad lumpy but I do recall my 172 been quite lumpy at idle and it been the case of they all should and do that.
