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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2


ClioSport Club Member
No knives in MW3?

It's a hint at hit markers but I dunno seems like a huge nerf and it's not confirmed. Can't remember where the picture came from but TKO on YouTube was talking about it and said he thinks it's about 70% chance it's not going to 1 shot. Could be limbs etc like a toe shot isn't a kill etc but guess will have to wait and see.


ClioSport Moderator
They're changing the throwing knives to 2 hit kills for the first time ever in MP COD (iirc)

Well that’s just outright dumb.

At the moment I think they have the balance of knife downing someone, but also not that easy to hit when on the move, at distance and at speed?

Why mess with the dynamics of something that clearly works?


ClioSport Club Member
I think the ability to use behind a shield while fun is a bit cheese but with movement being back it's automatically make it harder anyway so dunno. I think a 2 shot is a complete hard nerf and will make it pointless but if it's body and head 1 shot only that's not so bad.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Well that’s just outright dumb.

At the moment I think they have the balance of knife downing someone, but also not that easy to hit when on the move, at distance and at speed?

Why mess with the dynamics of something that clearly works?
f**k knows bud. I don't really feel it's something that needs to be changed. It's not as if multiplayer is rife with people dying exclusively to throwing knives every game and it's something that must be changed. The only outcome of the proposed nerf is it makes the game less fun. I've seen people defending the nerf online, clearly butthurt that they got killed by a throwing knife, tried to use them themselves and realised it's harder than it looks and they indeed just suck at the game.

I've seen the comment "A throwing knife to the toe shouldn't kill someone" quite a lot. And whilst it's true, a pistol bullet to the toe shouldn't either 😂


ClioSport Moderator
So they’re busy messing around with the dynamics of stuff that does work (it’s actually quite hard to hit someone on the toe with a throwing knife 🤣) but no doubt they’ll screw up the snipers again, which have basically been a non-event in MW2 unfortunately.


ClioSport Club Member
Tbf no one actually aims for the toe 😂. If you do and hit it you definitely deserve that kill lol. I don't think they need to touch it like I say with movement speed being increased its automatically going to be harder than what it's just been anyway. I wouldn't panic yet either as it's not confirmed so hopefully they leave it as it is.

I watched repulze podcast and swag etc have all played it so lots of exciting information about now.


ClioSport Club Member
It's actually insane how much stuff this game is going to have at launch considering all the guns etc are carrying over over. Glad I get to keep the Orion camo too and there's going to be a new camo grind. Every single MP map from the original MW2. Some new perks coming ninja perk is back and another perk that allows you to ads in a slide sounds similar to the gung ho perk.

MNK players might be able to dry their eyes finally as Huskers played it and said "he's back" but you've got to be able to utilise the movement to break aim assist. Also now with slide cancel and dolphin dive etc the extra keys definitely helps..


ClioSport Club Member
Time to get me a paddle...

View attachment 1657329

I never had my 3rd and 4th paddle so not sure if I can make use of them as it stands right now I have slide and dive inverted which works best with MW2 movement but come MW3 I'm going to hate having to hold to dive if slide takes priority.

Seriously though paddles is a game changer for COD I had a better improvement in my gameplay going to paddles than I probably did going to PC.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I never had my 3rd and 4th paddle so not sure if I can make use of them as it stands right now I have slide and dive inverted which works best with MW2 movement but come MW3 I'm going to hate having to hold to dive if slide takes priority.

Seriously though paddles is a game changer for COD I had a better improvement in my gameplay going to paddles than I probably did going to PC.
I keep looking at the kit to DIY. I changed the triggers over to mouse clicks which feels so much better than full pull. I'll probably get the kit and do that controller and try and get used to it.

Can't make me much shitter 🤣🤣


ClioSport Club Member
I keep looking at the kit to DIY. I changed the triggers over to mouse clicks which feels so much better than full pull. I'll probably get the kit and do that controller and try and get used to it.

Can't make me much shitter 🤣🤣

100% mate on MW2 it doesn't matter so much but if movement is anything like MW2019 which is how it sounds then it's a must imo. Will feel weird for a few days but if you ever try go back to without you'll realise how handy they are.


ClioSport Club Member

Gameplay of the first mission in MW3.

Next event again October 5th. Beta is out on 12th-16th PS5 6th-10th.


Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I don’t think I’ve missed a black cell season pass yet. And previous to each one I’ve always said I’m not getting the next one 😂
Same. Every season I've said I'm not doing it again. Load in, have a few beers, click buy.

Don't do ittttt, get the cheapun!

Too late....

I get a new sexy skin for Soap now and loads of s**t that I probably won't end up using for the new game.


ClioSport Club Member
Wondering if anyone can help me as having a nightmare trying to find the Alpha Cluster room in the Koschei Complex within DMZ. Only have two parts left of the heated madness Camo to unlock for the Kastov 762 (muzzle and grip), but every time I get into the Chemical plant I go round in circles trying to find the Alpha Cluster room. I know you need to head in with a car battery and jumper cables to access it. Any help or if you’ve seen any videos with guides on accessing the room it would be greatly appreciated (I’ve watched a few videos, but still struggling to locate the alpha cluster room). Cheers


ClioSport Moderator
Wondering if anyone can help me as having a nightmare trying to find the Alpha Cluster room in the Koschei Complex within DMZ. Only have two parts left of the heated madness Camo to unlock for the Kastov 762 (muzzle and grip), but every time I get into the Chemical plant I go round in circles trying to find the Alpha Cluster room. I know you need to head in with a car battery and jumper cables to access it. Any help or if you’ve seen any videos with guides on accessing the room it would be greatly appreciated (I’ve watched a few videos, but still struggling to locate the alpha cluster room). Cheers

@Jonnio @Daz... and I have done it.

But I can’t remember where it was 🤣

@Jonnio maybe able to remember or still have our footage of it recorded.


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Not sure we did that. I need to go back in there though for some puzzle bullsheet.

Car battery and jump leads. Go in under the Taraq Bridge through the flooded section. You enter the chemical plant from the north then go east. Best to get a map up to figure it out.

Stick the battery and jump leads in the spot to the right of "Plant" on the map


ClioSport Moderator
Not sure we did that. I need to go back in there though for some puzzle bullsheet.

Car battery and jump leads. Go in under the Taraq Bridge through the flooded section. You enter the chemical plant from the north then go east. Best to get a map up to figure it out.

Stick the battery and jump leads in the spot to the right of "Plant" on the map

Think we did it when we spent ages looking for the battery and jump leads, to find them right near the entrance 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Wondering if anyone can help me as having a nightmare trying to find the Alpha Cluster room in the Koschei Complex within DMZ. Only have two parts left of the heated madness Camo to unlock for the Kastov 762 (muzzle and grip), but every time I get into the Chemical plant I go round in circles trying to find the Alpha Cluster room. I know you need to head in with a car battery and jumper cables to access it. Any help or if you’ve seen any videos with guides on accessing the room it would be greatly appreciated (I’ve watched a few videos, but still struggling to locate the alpha cluster room). Cheers

Not sure we did that. I need to go back in there though for some puzzle bullsheet.

Car battery and jump leads. Go in under the Taraq Bridge through the flooded section. You enter the chemical plant from the north then go east. Best to get a map up to figure it out.

Stick the battery and jump leads in the spot to the right of "Plant" on the map

If you're after the Spetsnaz thingy this is how I got into the Alpha Cluster and found it, coming in through the above route. 24 mins 50 secs on here, for some reason I can't link the exact point.



ClioSport Club Member
First time I've pulled off the gas win with this sneaky strat a lot of people don't know about. If you have a med vest and battle rage together it'll constantly apply health as you can see in the video. Think it lasts about as long as a gold gas mask. A bit of luck was involved in getting the med vest but I had enough self revives if I needed them 😅

First time I've pulled off the gas win with this sneaky strat a lot of people don't know about. If you have a med vest and battle rage together it'll constantly apply health as you can see in the video. Think it lasts about as long as a gold gas mask. A bit of luck was involved in getting the med vest but I had enough self revives if I needed them 😅

I tried this but only had battle rage. Got me a solo win though......😎👍....May have felt abit dirty as well.


ClioSport Club Member
I tried this but only had battle rage. Got me a solo win though......😎👍....May have felt abit dirty as well.

Yeah the battle rage alone still helps definitely better than nothing. Sometimes it's got to get dirty to get the win 😂
