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Will Blurays and DVDs make a comeback.


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
Was watching Jurassic Park on Amazon Prime the other day. And they stuck an advert in halfway through the film ! And got me thinking with price increases in streaming services and the fact sometimes the Internet can be off and you can’t stream films and some films are just not on there. I was thinking of dusting off the Blu-ray player and start getting my Blurays out to watch some of my films I want to watch without Interruption. Does anyone else still use their blurays or dvds ?


ClioSport Club Member
Probably not paying for 4k streaming if it doesn't look as good. Most of them charge a bit extra for that.

I'd sooner just stream other ways like real debrid and get 4k without the price or adverts.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
My post is more to do with CD's vs Vinyl, but the reason why I think CD's won't make a massive comeback is probably the same for DVD's etc.

was helping someone set up a hi-fi with turn table the other day and I quite liked the process of putting the vinyl on and listening to it.

The first record we put on was probably 40 years old and listen to it crackling before the music started was somehow pleasing. Also that fact that there was no facility to easily (remotely) skip songs meaning you just listened to the full album as intended added to the experience.

As for CD's, other than them being a physical item, I think they are too similar to digital streaming in how they play. No imperfections in the quality and the ability to skip songs. For these reasons I think people will always choose streaming over CD's (same with DVD's).


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I don’t know if they’ll make a comeback, I’ve got a bit of blu ray dvds for the PlayStation not 4K versions though. But I still now and then watch one of them. It is crazy in this day and age that 4K is pretty much available for everyone and you’d thought that services like Amazon , Netflix and other ones are wanting more money from us to watch in 4K, it should be free.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
The only format I buy physically is video games. Even then it’s only a few particular games that I want to keep a hard copy of everything else I’ll happily play via gamepass/psn.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
There are some instances where the hard copy is cheaper than streaming. And unavailability of things getting 'cancelled'. So they will always have some relevance.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
The best way to experience movies is still from a 4K disc. In particular, the audio track of a streamed movies pales in comparison to the "full monty" from a disk. If I really enjoy a particular film I will buy it on 4K disc for sure.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
Great thread. Wider discussion TBF. Particularly music.

When listening to vinyl in a properly setup sound system, it is like nothing else.
The art of mixing and listening to analogue is unique, IMO.
Other than the crackle at the start and end (also depending on how clean the setup is), I'd champion it over my shite CDs that are scratched to hell. I couldn't get white label CDs either (maybe it was just me).

Obvs no one is pressing vinyl, so it stands on its own. CDs and mini disc don't have that hold. Blu-ray and DVD maybe, given the features they sometimes offer.

I'd argue MP3 collections are dying off. My kids don't want to know. They want instant streaming for stuff they can remember.
I used to love downloading and sorting (then going back and listening) to MP3 collections. It was like the new owning of vinyl.


Books are similar no?

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I still burn CDs for my car because I can't be arsed to order a 3.5mm jack to the aux :LOL:
I still only have CD players in both my cars (mainly because they're both around 20 years old).

I'm more of a window down and listen to the car man, than stereo on these days. Hardly ever listen to music in the car unless I'm on a long journey alone.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I have a good collection of BluRays and would still consider buying them, film dependant. I don't think you can beat the sound and picture quality.


ClioSport Club Member
Aside from a few diehards, I don't think so. Books and vinyl have seen something of a resurgence, but I think they're slightly different. Both offer a more tactile and engaging experience than their digital counterparts. For films, I think people generally just want convenience, and streaming services will only get better over time, so I wouldn't be surprised if the argument about quality drops away eventually.

I think some people will always be attached to owning a physical copy. When I moved I got rid of all my DVDs aside from the Band of Brothers box set, and a couple of car-related things I'd accumulated that will never be on a streaming service.

Maybe people would be more likely to get attached to VHS tapes if they're of a certain age, but I'm not sure DVDs have the same draw, as I don't know if they ever had the same level of emotional connect that people felt towards older mediums. Younger people have grown up with streaming services, so probably won't care at all.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I did read an article about this the other day, stating similar.

I doubt DVDs & Blurays will ever be as popular as they once were - but I there will always be a market for them, I reckon. A bit like LaserDisc - absolutely archaic technology in 2024 - but it has a dedicated fanbase for it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
I’m thinking that there is still relevance for Blu-ray and DVDs as there simply is no versions of certain films available to stream.

Also they are now adding ads into films unless you pay yet more money to remove them.

I might have to get a version of a film and compare to see if streaming is a lower quality.

And as someone said what’s to say if cancel culture gets hold of certain films and removes them or edits the film. I want to see the films as they were filmed and not changed.


ClioSport Club Member
  CLIO 197 CUP,
Big fan of physical media. Makes it more of an occasion to watch a film or listen to music in the case of vinyl. And for me at least makes me want to watch something more. I don't think it'll ever match streaming services but it definitely has it's place.

I could see a wave of video DVD rental stores opening again as a gimmick for a year or two to feed off of nostalgia.


ClioSport Club Member
I think they will occupy a similar place to vinyl (and that's probably where they are at the moment, although less niche).

The people that want them will seek them out, most people don't give a s**t about picture or sound quality, they just want easy access to the thing and a subscription is easy peasy


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio & No Megane
I love having physical media for the movies and albums I really like. Streaming or Captain Bluebeard is fine for crap I don't really care about.


ClioSport Club Member
I've started buying 4K Blurays of movies I really like. At the end of the day, even owning a digital copy, you only own the license to stream it whenever you want and there's no guarantee it'll be around for years to come.

Latest purchase was Interstellar - epic movie.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I've started buying 4K Blurays of movies I really like. At the end of the day, even owning a digital copy, you only own the license to stream it whenever you want and there's no guarantee it'll be around for years to come.

Latest purchase was Interstellar - epic movie.

My latest was the same too!


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ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
I see that films like 28days later on dvd are fetching top dollar now as you can’t get them and they are out of print on Blu-ray. And I’m not sure if it’s on any streaming sites.

Not a Diesel!!!

ClioSport Club Member
  LY Meg Cup-S + MX5

Yes I read this to then watched 28 Days later. Thought about selling before it gets re-released when 28 years later comes out.

I saw an add on valuable DVD's and I got a Bladerunner Steelbook DVD worth a bit.

And my Bro said my Start Wars DVD's feature the original theatrical version that was pretty rare released once on DVD/VHS.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Yes I read this to then watched 28 Days later. Thought about selling before it gets re-released when 28 years later comes out.

I saw an add on valuable DVD's and I got a Bladerunner Steelbook DVD worth a bit.

And my Bro said my Start Wars DVD's feature the original theatrical version that was pretty rare released once on DVD/VHS.

I've got the original star wars trilogy on VHS
Wonder if that's worth anything

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Great thread. Wider discussion TBF. Particularly music.

When listening to vinyl in a properly setup sound system, it is like nothing else.
The art of mixing and listening to analogue is unique, IMO.
Other than the crackle at the start and end (also depending on how clean the setup is), I'd champion it over my shite CDs that are scratched to hell. I couldn't get white label CDs either (maybe it was just me).

Obvs no one is pressing vinyl, so it stands on its own. CDs and mini disc don't have that hold. Blu-ray and DVD maybe, given the features they sometimes offer.

I'd argue MP3 collections are dying off. My kids don't want to know. They want instant streaming for stuff they can remember.
I used to love downloading and sorting (then going back and listening) to MP3 collections. It was like the new owning of vinyl.


Books are similar no?
It really whips the lama's ass


ClioSport Club Member
I've been watching a few videos on this recently, I'm a bit sick of how thinly spread content is now across streaming services and have considered dumping all of them and TV in favour of just buying DVD and BluRay when I want to watch something.

You'd probably end up watching way better quality too than most of the crap that's churned out now.

I'm too lazy to actually do it, also requires a level of planning too, but if you walked past a CEX everyday on the way to work or something then it might work better.

The other reason apart from laziness is it's extremely rare I'll watch anything more than once, so I don't need to collect them.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
4K DVD quality is far superior to any streaming platform showing the same film in 4K purely due to the extra bitrate it provides, however for the vast majority of people a steamed 4K film is more than adequate and as such no DVD’s will never make a come back but will still be sold at a premium whilst there’s still an audience for them.

Personally I download 4K DVD rips of films but as they are usually between 50-100GB per film keeping a big collection can be expensive storage wise depending on how you store and back them up.


ClioSport Moderator
I have over 1000.

When WW3 occurs, and there is a nuclear holocaust, what else can I watch in the safety of my nuclear bunker?

Or when the zombie apocalypse occurs, I need something to watch whilst in my bunker riding it out eating canned beans.

That’s my cheery logic anyway, and what I say everytime Mrs Cub tells me to get rid.

And @Krarl wont make it to the bunker, so he will either be ash or eating his own arm. So, he is welcome to call me an unwashed nonce then.


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
Suppose at least with physical media you can lend it to your mate to watch or sell it on. Streamed media they are cracking down on that. Even more blood they are squeezing from the stone.
