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Audio Dealer Scratched My Genesis

I asked my local car audio dealer (who i bought 2 Genesis Profile Sub Ultra amps and 1 profile 4 Ultra). if they could make me an amp rack i have been waiting over 3 months for it so as u can guess i have been getting a little annoyed. :mad:

so the other day i went in and said i want the amps back i will find someone else who will do it.

when i got them home i opened them up and i found that 2 out of the 3 amps where scratched on the ring in the middle where the genesis logo is (shown in pic).

does anyone know if its possible to get hold of replacement parts :(

- Stu_c -


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  Civic Vtec y0
i would take it ack and kick off!

go crazy at them, let it all out! then breath and ask for someone who knows what there talking about
  Clio 182

Quick question, As I notice you are in Milton Keynes the local car audio centre wouldnt be Premier would it? I am due to get an install done there tomorrow and after ur post am a little worried if they are not going to take care of my kit :S

urm urm :S if i say yes you cannot say my name as they know me very very well there as i been going there for years.

your best bet is to go to Compact Car Audio in Aylesbury thats where i go from now on
  clio si dti
i know genesis polish some of there amps making the look new again when they go in for a service but dont know if they just do the logos

Genesis phoned me back today and said the the dealer was saying they were scratched when they recieved them..

anyway Genesis are sending my 2 new rings out Free of charge i am well happy with the service how often would a company just give bits like that, they prob could have charged me at least £15 each for them

  Clio 182
Hey Stu_c

Glad you got it sorted! It just shows that some manufacturers still believe in customer service, on another note Ive had my own knightmare, the audio dealer that was doing my install didnt finnsih it yesterday because they ran out of engineers lol :( So I have to wait until today to get my car back

  Clio 182
I am very dissapointed the said firm used to be very very good indeed. I dont understand whats happened. Nice to know people are aware of other places to go though. I just prey they have done a good job, will keep you all updated later on when/if I get my car back :(

hi mate i agree they use to be excellent but i have noticed over the past few months they have just gone down hill, they used to be fairly expensive for the stuff they sold but i was willing to pay due the the service you did get but its nothing anymore.

Rich did you complain ?
