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Hate non petrol heads

  Honda & VW
I know it shouldn't but It really winds me up when people at work like to try and refer to me as a boy racer simply due to the car i drive.

Like today a colleague who drives a 1.4 206 joked saying on weekends i probably do LRT's (Laps Round Town) now i admit i may have down this when i was younger but i'm 28.

Can never think of a clever/witty comeback quick enough.

Should let it go over my head i suppose
  LY 200
I know it shouldn't but It really winds me up when people at work like to try and refer to me as a boy racer simply due to the car i drive.

Like today a colleague who drives a 1.4 206 joked saying on weekends i probably do LRT's (Laps Round Town) now i admit i may have down this when i was younger but i'm 28.

Can never think of a clever/witty comeback quick enough.

Should let it go over my head i suppose

f**k OFF.

  Crappy work hire car
Run them over during an LRT? Sorted :D

Yeah I know what you mean though, when I told people I wanted a 197 I got "gonna be a boy racer with a drainpipe exhaust are ya?" and "bit old to be a boy racer aren't you?" etc etc. V annoying and almost impossible to explain you are a car enthusiast and not a boy racer to people who don't really care about cars! :mad:
I used to have a clio, they are still a boy racers car and always will be, 90% of the tards on here are testament to that.
  Megane 225 F1
"Not a boy racer, im a man racer"

"My car has all the modifications because i plan on taking my car on the track"

"If you have to drive, may as well enjoy it"

"They make these kind of cars for people like me to enjoy"

"Go f**k yourself!!!"

These are my usual remarks


ClioSport Trader
Work colleagues often ask me why i own a saxo when i'm:

1. Not a r****d
2. Not a chav
3. Not a student
3. Earn more than £5k year

I normally tell them i got bored with sh4gging their wife & playing with their kids lego, so mess about with this in the garage instead. As a bonus, this type of car appeals more to their 17 year old step daughter ...


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
No creamed, 3 ply, cross stitch, cyclone leather.
  Cooksport Fleet
Work colleagues often ask me why i own a saxo when i'm:

1. Not a r****d
2. Not a chav
3. Not a student
3. Earn more than £5k year

I normally tell them i got bored with sh4gging their wife & playing with their kids lego, so mess about with this in the garage instead. As a bonus, this type of car appeals more to their 17 year old step daughter ...

Phahahahaha hero!
Its only beige when its dirty, and it does indeed have leather, Crap quality leather, but leather all the same.


You can have the boy racers cars, I'll have the old mans chairot


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I know it shouldn't but It really winds me up when people at work like to try and refer to me as a boy racer simply due to the car i drive.

Like today a colleague who drives a 1.4 206 joked saying on weekends i probably do LRT's (Laps Round Town) now i admit i may have down this when i was younger but i'm 28.

Can never think of a clever/witty comeback quick enough.

Should let it go over my head i suppose

I work in automotive, so its a non event.

However this used to occur in my younger days. A cold hard stare does the trick. Say nothing.
  Clio 1970000000
Its only beige when its dirty, and it does indeed have leather, Crap quality leather, but leather all the same.


You can have the boy racers cars, I'll have the old mans chairot

Isn't there a forum for 'pipe and slippers' lovers :rasp:
Hes a little bitter at the moment

  Hyundai i40
i just agree and say 'yes im a chavy girl racer and really dont care what you think'

that normally shuts them up too
  Crappy work hire car
i just agree and say 'yes im a chavy girl racer and really dont care what you think'

that normally shuts them up too

LOL yeah, just say "I'm a chavvy girl racer" - that'll stop them taking the piss :D
  Hyundai i40
LOL yeah, just say "I'm a chavvy girl racer" - that'll stop them taking the piss :D

it really doesnt bother me, they can say what they wont coz it was my fun in in a proper family car now so it hasnt happened for a while! altho i am having the piss took out of me about what i want which i reply 'ive had worse than that'

Or "im a girl with a nicer car than you" that will s**t on guys

good plan will make a note of that for when i get my new chav car next mth
  Crappy work hire car
it really doesnt bother me, they can say what they wont coz it was my fun in in a proper family car now so it hasnt happened for a while! altho i am having the piss took out of me about what i want which i reply 'ive had worse than that'

Lol no I meant with the OP presumably being male saying he's a girl racer won't help his cause much!
  Mini Cooper S sport
I used to get the piss taken out of me when I had the Clio, less so with the Meg.

I don't care TBH.
  Clio 1970000000
In the end, they're probably jealous.

Like a few of you on here, I am quite comfortable with who I am and what i like so don't give a sh1t what others think.
Get this at work quite a lot because most of the people I work with are or nearly double the age of me they say all this 'whats the point in modifying your car' etc etc and I just give the usual I'll be using it on track.

The one thing that makes it all a bit ironic is that when you ask what they did in there youth they did the same thing! Guess with age comes beeing a miserable, contradicting b4stard!
  Titanium 182
My mate knelt on my bonnet a few week back and dented it a tiny bit. Couldn't understand why I was raging. He said "It's only a boy racers soap box racer"
He can't even drive, student cunit.
Its the people that say they drive everywhere at 80 and get in your car at 60 and they are shitting themselves, reaching for the pussy handle.
  Clio 1970000000
Get this at work quite a lot because most of the people I work with are or nearly double the age of me they say all this 'whats the point in modifying your car' etc etc and I just give the usual I'll be using it on track.

The one thing that makes it all a bit ironic is that when you ask what they did in there youth they did the same thing! Guess with age comes beeing a miserable, contradicting b4stard!

Easy tiger, I'm probably double your age and am still a petrolhead.

My mate knelt on my bonnet a few week back and dented it a tiny bit. Couldn't understand why I was raging. He said "It's only a boy racers soap box racer"
He can't even drive, student cunit.

Age has nothing to do with stupidity here :(
  Titanium 182
Lol @ pussy handle !

My mate used to nearly cry when I took him on country roads. Then he'd drive his 1.2 clio as fast as he could round the same corners with bald budget tyres like he was a god. Lunatic.
Never seemed to have any sense of when you should slow down haha.
  Crappy work hire car
Lol @ pussy handle !

My mate used to nearly cry when I took him on country roads. Then he'd drive his 1.2 clio as fast as he could round the same corners with bald budget tyres like he was a god. Lunatic.
Never seemed to have any sense of when you should slow down haha.

Its different when you're in control - if you're used to driving being a passenger sucks! I find myself braking when there's no pedal LOL
  Titanium 182
Its different when you're in control - if you're used to driving being a passenger sucks! I find myself braking when there's no pedal LOL

True, this guy had no clue though haha. It's a wonder he never slid it off the road.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
"Jason and his badman clio!" is what I get mostly. They also don't get why I prefer 182's to my car. "But its older what the hell?" etc. etc.
  330i. E30 Touring.
Work colleagues often ask me why i own a saxo when i'm:

1. Not a r****d
2. Not a chav
3. Not a student
3. Earn more than £5k year

I normally tell them i got bored with sh4gging their wife & playing with their kids lego, so mess about with this in the garage instead. As a bonus, this type of car appeals more to their 17 year old step daughter ...

Why can't you be this funny in RL?! ;)
  Clio 1970000000
Only messing matey, I think its good that older people are still into there cars! Just unfortunately there are far more older people that aren't and like to take the piss!

No worries :D.

Now I have the dilema that I still feel 20 but also feel that I'm too old to be on here :(
Just go, my car would f**k yours up init.

I tend to get, your car is crap - it's french. Make's me laugh when my mate's say it, they don't even own a car.
  Titanium 182
No worries :D.

Now I have the dilema that I still feel 20 but also feel that I'm too old to be on here :(

You're not too old to be on here ! plus it's very accomodating on here for old people.

I mean look at Roy, he's well popular.
