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Wales Charity Black Mountain Run In Memory of Lee Davies.

  Fiesta ST-3
First off I would like to get some thanking done.

  • I would like to thank N2Grafix for supplying the decals to us free of charge.
  • I would like to that Cliosport for supplying us with a banner.
  • I would like to thank Craig and Tom from for all their help.
  • A big thanks to the West Midlands lot for making the effort.
  • And finally I would like to thank each and every one of you that attended today and everyone else that donated via the just giving site.We managed to raise £190 today with just attendance monies and a further £88 via the just giving web site. With a total monies raised so far of £278!!!!
So thank you to each and every one of you.

Ok So todays meet. It started off dry and got wetter and wetter as the day went on but it certainly did not affect numbers or peoples spirits with 20 + cars in attendance.

We all met in the Merthyr shopping complex next to Pizza hut the same as last time, then did our route of the black mountains. Here are my pictures of the meet. Sadly I got none on top of the mountain it was raining that hard. Just ask Owen.

Anyways thank you all again. Anyone wanting to make a donation or would like a decal I have about 17 left so drop me a PM.


One fine looking Nimbus and not much else


1 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Sticker Application :p


2 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Two members of One Direction IIRC.


3 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Memorial decal supplied by N2Grafix


4 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

197 gay boys


5 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Dirty 200


6 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Tasty Trophy


7 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Common LY


8 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

The grumpiest Matt you will ever meet


9 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr



10 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Some lads pretending they think they know what they are doing


11 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Nice line up


12 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Some randoms I found


13 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

More random, this time with me pretending I know them. Found me?


15 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr


16 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr


17 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr


18 by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

Thanks for a brilliant day and turn out guys. Lee would be proud.

Feel free to update the thread with your pictures.



ClioSport Admin
That last weird looking dude was round the back of my car sniffing my exhaust pipes iirc. Sicko.

Just want to add my own thanks to Scott and Matt for organising, Adz for the graphics, the Midlands guys and gals for making a hell of a trek over, the 197 boys and finally Lee's cousin and her friends for supporting the day.

Cymru am byth.
  Focus RS + S3
Brilliant meet today. Glad to see we raised sum cash for a very worthy cause,

Just need the weather to ease so i can fit my stickers lol

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Was a good turnout. Good banner picture. Look forward to seeing more pictures :)
fantastic amount rasied!!!, well done guys and gals.......sorry me and mark only came to the meet and didnt join you for the drive but as some of you know we had a christining in the afternoon atleast we came to see you off and donated,

nice pictures....have to say the one with all of you with banner is my fav coz we always just have them of the cars so makes a great change.


ClioSport Admin
Was really good of you both to come even though you had another engagement Christine, proper club spirit right there
  Fiesta ST-3
Was really good of you both to come even though you had another engagement Christine, proper club spirit right there

This tbh. If a meet is organised you know Christine and Mark will be there no questions asked!
Fantastic meet will get pics up later, nice to meet some familiar faces, new faces but also send off someone, RIP.

I'll personally be donating more so please save a sticker for me Scott :)

Was a good day, the convoy looked fantastic, shame about the weather but we can always do it again!


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
Got back 10 mins ago...11 hours and 50 mins since setting off!!! Was great day, Thanks to Scott and Matt W for organising. Thanks to the lads and lasses from the West Mids as it was a fair trek over today. Thanks to Ady for the stickers...might be contacting you in near future for some graphics. Thanks to Mother Nature for some beautiful scenery and Thanks to everyone for their warm welcome to us from over the border.

Will get Mandy's pictures downloaded in a bit as still knackered from grabbing a cuppa then will get downloading.

Thanks once again to EVERYONE!!!!! :approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Well done boys and girls!

£278 is a great start. FCS and CSS will bump this up further.

Im very proud of you all.


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182
£278!!! Loving that!!!

Great day considering the weather!

Not so sure of the "197 gay boys" caption under the photo of me mind


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
Very well done everyone, brilliant turn out.

Made a nice change to see actual people instead of just cars, every meet should make the effort to do the same
  Clio 182 Trophy, 205 GTi
First off massive thanks for being so welcoming - it can be a little daunting meeting a bunch of people for the first time! Shame about the weather, the convoy would've been a good sight if there wasn't so much fog. Feel sorry for those cyclists out in that though! Had a great time today, should make it an annual event.

Many thanks, Adam (the other guy with a Trophy!)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Nice pics scottdot. Not sure who was in the last picture though...

Good meet :D


ClioSport Club Member
This was a great day. Thanks to all that organized it and also everyone that turned up.
Even the Welsh made us welcome...ish :p
Ad if you see this, get a picture of our B&Q mod up as it could be the next big CS trend, it does look mighty impressive.


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
This was a great day. Thanks to all that organized it and also everyone that turned up.
Even the Welsh made us welcome...ish :rasp:
Ad if you see this, get a picture of our B&Q mod up as it could be the next big CS trend, it does look mighty impressive.

Matt, you're not trying to beat the 'Bucket Mod' are you? ;)

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Both me and my wife were made redundant last Thursday (worked for the same firm) so something's got to go so I can pay the bills I'm afraid. Wanted to take it out today as kind of one last trip out.

Ah I see. That is very sad. Sorry to hear it mate. I'm sure things will get better eventually and you can get another renaultsport again in the future. :(
Gutted I missed this - only read about it last night

Met Lee at the last meet we had - cant believe this has happened!

Glad so many of you made the effort - my car is currently in pieces so would have been difficult to attend anyway, will have to try and do another run after FCS

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Ye I have to admit. We should do another run again. I will bring my 182 along too as I should be able to fuel the thing next time round :( and have another picture with possibly more cars and the banner again ;)

If it wasn't for the rain today the whole day would have been even better. ;)

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
This is true my jeans are still soaked

My hoody is too. Don't know why I'm still wearing it to be honest..... Joke.

Those roads would be awesome in the dry. The venga buses tyres in the dry are immense ;)


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
My hoody is too. Don't know why I'm still wearing it to be honest..... Joke.

Those roads would be awesome in the dry. The venga buses tyres in the dry are immense ;)

My hoody had a quick drying session in the loos in Tesco...

I do think those roads would be SO much better in the dry with less camper bloody vans and cara bloody vans!

Although the old bird in the red nissan was surprisingly strange how she wasn't even looking while trying to pull out of a junction into my path when I had the right of way!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Here's one picture I took off my phone. Love it.

Whilst I was in the venga bus waiting to depart whilst Adam web diagnosed the fault to be a leaf under toms bonnet. Haha. Quality. :)


Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
The fog was mental. I've driven that road 10+ times and couldn't recognise the corners at the top!
