Hi folks, apologies for arriving a little late to this thread...
I'm not one for words (much) but I think I can safely say that Lee would have thoroughly enjoyed the meet. It was a great way to remember Lee and recognise what he's done for us (along with a lot of other brave souls out there). I only had the pleasure of meeting him on a few occasions but nonetheless I'm glad I had that pleasure of sharing a word or two with him.
Many thanks to all those who made this happen - from organisers to attendees. The weather was less then ideal but what an absolutely fantastic and lifting response! It was great to see so many people out and paying their respects, and it was/is great to hear that so much has been raised to date. I enjoyed myself and it was great to see a few familiar faces again (as well as some new ones). Great to catch up with my boy band colleague Owen, too (thanks Scott)...
I only got a few photos from meet up at Merthyr due to the poor weather and I'll post these later.
My only regret is that I lost everyone on the return journey and had no idea where folks had gone.

I would have loved to have been a part of the photo and banner line-up at Tesco's but sadly couldn't find you. I was under the impression that we were heading back to the starting point at Merthyr hence returned there and nipped to the loo. But everyone else went straight on! LOL! I did actually go hunting around and asked a few folks if they'd seen a bunch of Renaultsports but I just got funny looks or blatantly ignored! LOL! But nevermind, it didn't detract from a great day.