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New Xbox announced, tonight 18:00PM


ClioSport Club Member
They were stupid for the used games thing in the first place, physical media will be phased out over the next generation, there was never any need to control used games since the problem won't exist in the near future.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
They were stupid for the used games thing in the first place, physical media will be phased out over the next generation, there was never any need to control used games since the problem won't exist in the near future.

I can't see it being phased out that quick to be honest. Not until Internet speeds are a lot better for the majority of people. People still want a hard copy of the game IMO.
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
now this means no sharing games with friends, family and the disk will have to be in the drive all the time too.... whingers got what they wanted.
I'm surprised given how continually defiant they were in the face of peoples legitimate concerns and frustrations. I guess someone with a brain realised they looked like a bunch of retards at E3 and were alienating large numbers of past customers and potential XBone purchasers.

I find it amusing that even some of the tech savvy on here clearly haven't considered the wide range of issues that the DRM and 24 hour check in etc would have brought with it. I guess like MS they were looking at the situation from their point of view rather than showing a little objectivity.
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
none of their DRM policies would have caused me any issues whatsoever nor would i even notice they were in place to be honest. Same with basically anyone with an internet connection. Did indeed alienate a lot of people without access to an internet connection though and i think they have done the right thing.
I find it amusing that even some of the tech savvy on here clearly haven't considered the wide range of issues that the DRM and 24 hour check in etc would have brought with it. I guess like MS they were looking at the situation from their point of view rather than showing a little objectivity.

I think that was part of the problem. Great if you never trade games, but a huge number do purely to fund more new games, that can't be ignored. The 'I have a solid net connection, get over it' type comments were also maddening, just look at the mess with Sim City, even having a decent connection doesn't guarantee anything, the entire infrastructure is nowhere near stable enough to be anywhere near as convenient as offline play for a high enough percentage of people. I can think of loads of places where consoles are used that are never going to have a reliable connection (or any at all) on a regular basis, their ideas simply don't fit the mass-market nature of a major console.


ClioSport Club Member
I can't see it being phased out that quick to be honest. Not until Internet speeds are a lot better for the majority of people. People still want a hard copy of the game IMO.

I shouldn't of said phased out really, I mean within the next generation (8 years?) a lot of people will switch to downloads for games, especially now many more have access to faster broadband, I know personally I don't want loads of disks hanging around but there will always be the stubborn few who do.
I think that was part of the problem. Great if you never trade games, but a huge number do purely to fund more new games, that can't be ignored. The 'I have a solid net connection, get over it' type comments were also maddening, just look at the mess with Sim City, even having a decent connection doesn't guarantee anything, the entire infrastructure is nowhere near stable enough to be anywhere near as convenient as offline play for a high enough percentage of people. I can think of loads of places where consoles are used that are never going to have a reliable connection (or any at all) on a regular basis, their ideas simply don't fit the mass-market nature of a major console.

It shows an alarming lack of understanding of their customer base which given how much data they have on them is ludicrous to the point of being comedic.


  911 GTS Cab
Flol, just saw this on Facebook and thought someone was taking the piss, for a company as big as MS to walk away with their tail between their legs is awesome people power, they normally try to enforce it anyway and then change things further down the line.

i guess they must have cried at the pre-order stats after E3, you also didnt have to be a genius to see all the negative talk about it everywhere, whether it was justified or not, the bad press was constantly being seen.

i personally wouldn't have had an issue with what they were doing (although a lot of people would have), I don't trade games or buy second hand games and I have a decent Internet connection, I just thought it was a joke them trying to implement all this at once with it being so different to how everyone currently does things.

then for Sony to prove it wasn't the developers forcing ms to do it, it was a big slap in the face, had Sony gone the same way nothing would have changed, but they didn't have a chance after the Sony announcement.

Still don't know which one ill be buying as this hasn't changed my view really for what I wanted from the consoles.


  911 GTS Cab
Maybe if they had incentivised people by making the downloadable versions of games cheaper and enabled the drm features on those copies, but kept the traditional way with disc purchases, to please everyone and not just force everyone down a new unknown route, especially when there were so many new rules and they were really bad at actually explaining them, and what they actually meant to people.

They could have handled this so much better and still introduced the new features.


ClioSport Club Member
Probably not the most sensible comment to make on here given a lot of the previous posts (!)... but I was looking forward to seeing what Microsoft's plans were and how well their 'features' worked. I fear this may also impact on some other future features that they have in the pipeline for when the console (hopefully) established a decent-sized user base. That said, I guess it doesn't really make that much of a difference [to me] as I simply want it to play games (especially the exclusives, as I do with the PS4).
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  work for BMW
I'm so happy they have done a u-turn ! It was quite frankly ridiculous that someone thought of the idea even more stupid that the idea was seen as a good one ! I'm a PlayStation hater but I am grateful to them for shoving it in MS face and showing them the error in their ways.
Now I'm actually looking forward to Xbox one woo :)
  Titanium 182
Common sense prevails. This was a stupid idea and commercial suicide. It also makes anyone defending these abhorrent policies look rather stupid.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I think they never intended to do it anyway. Say they'll do it the "listen to the buyers" that they don't want it then do a u-turn.

Now it looks like they listen and could change stuff in the future based on comments.

Marketing genius.

  2014 Focus Titanium
I think they never intended to do it anyway. Say they'll do it the "listen to the buyers" that they don't want it then do a u-turn.

Now it looks like they listen and could change stuff in the future based on comments.

Marketing genius.


OR, and get this, it's a little bit of a wild idea!!

They actually DID listen to customers and realised they'd made a balls-up so did a u-turn. Even more marketing genius.


ClioSport Club Member
The disc having to be in the tray and not being able to share games over the internet is not a good thing :/

I hope they re-introduce it when the console is a bit more mature
  Mito Sportiva 135
MS are responding to what people have asked for - now they've done that they are getting criticised for that too! I personally think it was PS fanboys making it into a bigger deal than it was with the internet/used game criticisms.

Anyway, I was going to get a One before the announcement and still going to get one now.

Fair play to them listening to customers though.
  Titanium 182
I've had a think about this. I think their original plan was for the XBO to be a digital-only console - this would have sidestepped all of the issues regarding discs and selling them on, etc. However, they chickened out and shoved a drive in there at the last minute, and had to fudge some kind of system. Hence the ill-thought out b****cks we were fed pre-EE3.

Sadly they've still lost my sale. If it's that easy to reverse, who's to say they won't reintroduce it again later down the line once they've sold millions of consoles? Microsoft have shown exactly what they think of their customers - I'm pretty glad I'm not one any longer.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
I've had a think about this. I think their original plan was for the XBO to be a digital-only console - this would have sidestepped all of the issues regarding discs and selling them on, etc. However, they chickened out and shoved a drive in there at the last minute, and had to fudge some kind of system. Hence the ill-thought out b****cks we were fed pre-EE3.

Sadly they've still lost my sale. If it's that easy to reverse, who's to say they won't reintroduce it again later down the line once they've sold millions of consoles? Microsoft have shown exactly what they think of their customers - I'm pretty glad I'm not one any longer.

Whats to say the PS4 wont go down the same route eventually also?
  Titanium 182
Whats to say the PS4 wont go down the same route eventually also?
Because they've already said it's not hard-baked into the OS. I'd be seriously impressed if they managed to implement it over an update. All MS need to do is flick a switch because it's already there. ;)

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Can you not buy digital copies on the xbox now? I know you can on the ps3 but they seem to be rrp which tends to be £20 more than you can usually pick them for. Hopefully in the future you will be able to get any game for say £20-30 as a digital download as opposed to paying £50-60 for them now from the stores.
Still think that we are a long way off not having a hard copy of a game though.
  Titanium 182
Actually, I think the PS4 and XBO Slim versions will come without Blu-ray drives. In about 2016. You heard it here first.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
It will, they'd be mental not to.

I'm looking forward to being able to buy my games digitally all the time, will be just like all of my PC games

Im all for digital, if its not the same price (or sometimes more!) than the disc based equivalent.

An album on iTunes costing the same as a CD is ridiculous, it should be a 1/2 that!
  Nippy white cup
I couldn't have cared less about the online check and the 2nd hand games issue.....I would gladly accept that and keep the family sharing system. Amazing idea and the chances are if you wanted to trade games just get someone on your list who has a game you want and vice versa.....gutted but still more than happy to buy one at launch tbh
