Recently I've replaced the clock twice as one died completely then the next one the temperature display was goosed and the clock itself just kept advancing a minute every second or so, all sorted now though.
Passed MOT on valentine's day although the hazards worked once then died, so new switch on the way to fix that niggle.
Did oil and filter for the 166k service yesterday and then removed the gopping alcantara steering wheel that Snappy refurbished for me almost exactly 4 years ago now to clean it, it's come up a treat.
Plans are too possibly return to more standard soon, so original spoiler, suspension and seats... Maybe.... Not decided yet.
Disgusting wheel, full of last 4 years of grime
Used some cheap simonz interior cleaner and a beard brush, worked like magic
And car clean ish for MOT and just been using it still, it's a wonderful thing