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Its not as good as external bluetooth ones though N95 can take up to 10 minutes to get a lock ! although you also have the option of using a bluetooth one with the N95.
If you only use it mainly between 4pm and 12am then yes it is bad !
I've tried everything at all times of the day and night, even multiple connections to paid news server (giganews) and cant get 20mbit ! most I see is about 1.2-1.3MB/s
Yes, you can use the controller board from an identical hard drive to try and get the data off, its worth a try and certainly your cheapest option, no soldering is required as it uses special ribbon cables to do all the connections.
PS. Backup Backup Backup ;)
If you use Virgin media 20mbit package, you wont see over 12mb and if you download/upload more than 3GB between 4pm and 12am your connection will drop to 5mbit and upload speed will half !
VGA is easiest, you will need connections for the sound aswell though.
You can also now buy graphics cards with HDMI outs, which is always an option if your stuck.
Just use a different name/value on the submit button, do an if/switch to find out if the value is delete or update and call the appropriate function based on that.
IIRC you must use different embed tags for it to work on IE than for every other browser.
EG. you have it working on IE, but for every other browser you must use different tags to embed the video.
Works with FF in linux :S
Like you said, not really into flash things.. but that was pretty cool !
Still think this is better though ;)
Piss easy ;)
And for the record the reason its causing you a headache is because you used a platform dependant proprietry closed source format. Use MP3/OGG etc in future !
Just for the record though I can play every format of windows media...
the N95 comes with basic navigation software with it, if you want proper navigation though its a subscription service. Not sure about TomTom yet, i've read it can be done but there isnt an official supported version for it yet.
While the N95 is a charge every night type phone its not as bad as...
Im using this camera, along with a hardware capture card.
But you can easily use IP camera's or usb camera's.
I have this setup to monitor my car at home.
Can access the live stream from anywhere in the world, I can even monitor it on my Nokia N95 ;) Fully configurable motion detection and zones. Here's a recent still from one of the events.. as you can see the red blobs are the...
Sorry ;)
Actually just checked up again
Linux = 30 (most of them only give you user priviledges, no longer work and have never been seen in the wild for years)
Windows = 130,000 :eek:
Windows = over 10,000
Linux = 7 (none have been seen in the wild for about 6-7 years, most of them didn't get you root priviledges)
Ergo best anti-virus product = Linux ;)
Bet your either using non rechargeable batteries or too low AH rated ones.
If you use too low AH rated batteries when you zoom the batteries cannot supply enough power quickly enough, the voltage drops and your camera thinks your batteries are dead.
Buy 2000AH or above rated batteries and all...
Well, i've just been up'd to 20mbit according to my CM logs..
The reason I checked ? my speed has dropped and is going slower than ever.. whohooo ! :rolleyes: