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  1. Dink

    Sh*t speakers

    if you are running them off the head unit the infinity are a good idea as they are 2 ohm speakers rockford fosgate lmao
  2. Dink

    charging problem ? Clio 99 RT

    you really need 14v+ to charge the battery how accurate is the multimeter?
  3. Dink

    Ethernet Cable and Armoured Cable

    i doubt it very much
  4. Dink

    headunit losing power?

    i'm not confused lol you said head unit was losing power. so i asked if you listen to is loud. the head unit with have thermal protection and some have awful ways of doing it the power of your stuff has nothing to do with it. it's all how it's setup
  5. Dink

    headunit losing power?

    you said head unit?
  6. Dink

    headunit losing power?

    are you listening to it loud ? as it might be going into a temp shutdown mode and no power caps do nothing tbh
  7. Dink

    Computer techies, help needed.

    you haven't flicked the wireless off switch?
  8. Dink

    2014 F1 V6 Turbo Engines

    a v6 @ 20krpm with 4 bar being shoved into it would sound good but there not going to allow it:dapprove:
  9. Dink

    2014 F1 V6 Turbo Engines

    1000bhp/l is where it should be :evil: i mean they must be getting up into double figures on the mpg stakes:dapprove:
  10. Dink

    Best headlight bulbs for 1.2!

    osram nightbreakers if you want to see further down the road or anthing blue if you don't
  11. Dink

    Help with media server build!

    was going to get the n54l last month with the cashback:( the g8 looks sweet
  12. Dink

    Backing up HTC.

    htc sync?
  13. Dink

    Help with media server build!

    i run a hp n40L as a media server space for 4 hard drives(i've got 10Tb in mine) + a full size ODD for the price of £104 (after £100 cashback) they do a n54l now (faster cpu) so you could wait to see if they do a cashback deal on these too
  14. Dink

    Speaker Issue

    sounds like to me that a plug isn't mated properly
  15. Dink

    HTC One or iPhone 5?

    htc one, but you will have to live in a bin for not buying a iPhone
  16. Dink

    Htc one

    seems like my top speaker has died. :dapprove: it's been spot on aswell since ive had it. this is about the one not the one x/s/v
  17. Dink

    My home internet password?

    pen in the reset hole
  18. Dink

    Is there a fuse for the volume control stalk?

    i doubt there is a fuse just for the stalk i'd say fucked electronics inside stereo or fucked stalk it is french after all
  19. Dink

    Sound Deadening Question.

    you stick it on the inside of the outer skin of the body work
  20. Dink

    Water Cooling Talk to me (but not for a PC)

    ebay is where i'd be looking tbh
  21. Dink

    Moving from VM to sky

    oh yeah i'm not defending VM (the tivo box does have ALOT to be desired) i couldn't watch sky sports f1 live it's just so dull imho well iplayer just starts instantly no waiting at all as does the rest of on-demand even when my internet connection is at 100% bandwidth i watch very few...
  22. Dink

    Moving from VM to sky

    tbh the non sky BB on demand should never of happend really should it and yes it is a pain trying to find a decent way of connecting the box to the router i've watched sky sports f1 once and tbh i'd rather watch the bbc highlights when it's not live on bbc so when you say wait 10 seconds you...
  23. Dink

    Moving from VM to sky

    having to connect the box to the router to get the on-demand working. (and only just recently being able to use a non-sky BB service) having to pay for HD. i mean can you even buy a non HD television now? it's not like it's being beamed solely to your dish is it/ being limited by the...
  24. Dink

    Water Cooling Talk to me (but not for a PC)

    you could also throw a TEC into the mix. Would need some more power but might be able to get you below ambient.
  25. Dink

    Moving from VM to sky

    yeah you don't need a landline for VM broadband by not using shitty wires from the cab is why they nearly always get the speed promised to the house on their "fibre" service. there are quite a few flaws in the sky service that people seem to forget about (some have been sorted lately)
  26. Dink

    802.11ac Router?

    bought a netgear r6300 off flea bay in the end lol see how it works out
  27. Dink


    your right it's not hard to understand so why don't you get it? a power cap for a start will LOWER the output of the amp a bigger alternator will help power a larger system but is far too slow to help with large changing loads a twin battery might help as it will be able to minimise the volt...
  28. Dink

    802.11ac Router?

    my dlink 655 router has served me well but looking to get something a bit faster i'm looking to get a dlink dir-860l just wondering what anyone else had
  29. Dink


    not even slightly.