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Is the example image the same on the offside? Also are you sure the cam was the only camber part in the setup?
It's common practice to get the wheels aligned after changing the suspension set up
30/20 isn't to everyone's tastes. I have 182 alloys and they're dead flush with the arch (width that is) but not poking out. I like it, gives a meaner looking stance and handling is improved. I did have to roll the arche liners back to the chassis on the front as 30mm spacing does increase the...
I got 30/20mm front/rear spacers on my 1.2 phase 2.
60mm lowering springs bring the arch 10mm away from touching. Which is not a problem if you roll the arches back. My springs were just under £120 new. Can't remember the brand but they were well known and reputable (a must with suspension)...
Lutecia badges look better than the clio badge imo. I'm sure it's the same fixing measurements but I've seen a few genuine lutecias with the badge on the other side so not 100% about that
Just a general info enquiry here. Worked on a 1.4 the other day (my first engine other than a 1.2 or 2.0) and was just thinking about the 1.6.
I'm looking to upgrade to a nicer but still relatively cheap Clio for a daily. I've seen a nice 30k 1.6 on sale for £1600 and I'm curious.
I don't see...
Common problem is corroded tube in the spoiler or stagnant build up in the pipe. The tube runs along the interior nearside (from the a frame and over the rear quarter). Mine is clear so I can see if it's blocked. If yours is blocked getting a clear tube is a cheap and convenient mod.
A decent set of 17s wouldn't look bad. I always thought the 16inch max rule was pedantic and ridiculous. As above, I'd stick to 70mm at the front. Any lower and you'll be struggling not to find a ditch.
Rokkor/raceland coilovers aren't designed for clios. They're adapted from other designs. And not adapted well. Weren't even good on the intended models.
I wouldn't say there is a good cheap coilover option. £350 is the cheapest I'd ever go. Only go cheap if you literally just want the lows.
I've never found the chemicals cheap but what I can recommend is getting an old hot tub. Seen plenty of people selling pro services and then using a fibre glass bath tub
I was always told to empty the master reservoir from the cap, top up and start with the nearest(offside front) and work back to the furthest.
This has always worked for me. Having tried both ways, I can only say the furthest first method is the only way that's gone wrong for me. But seldom...
The Megane option is going to be more expensive. You'd have to custom make all the engine mounts and get a Megane gearbox, driveshafts and any other compatible
Id Upgrade to a megane engine. But that's purely because I've got the time to do it. Saying that I'm sure there's some knob that's written off a 200 or 197 and sold it to a breakers. The similar or same engine will be easier to refit and it's always worth it to sort them out.
Might be being ignorant, but these look like 182 seats. From my knowledge, phase 1 172s had coloured sport insignias on solid alacantra, phase 2 172s had white insignias on solid alacantra and 182s had the white insignias on white dotted alacantra.
Can't comment on the v6 models.
Ahaha ok genuine ideas,
Would need to know what variant of Clio it is (ie sport/non sport, ph1/ph2)
Without this info just give it a good clean, restore the rubber seals, paint the various trim pieces and badges, paint the calipers.
Forget anything mechanical. That and cheap don't work well...