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Why do you love your Clio RenaultSport?


ClioSport Club Member
  RB182 B7RS4 Mk2GTE
Ouch just isn't the word. I'm a young driver at 22, been driving nearly 4 years and I don't think I've even paid that for all 4 years combined.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member

£500 per month on insurance. He's on the wind up right?



ClioSport Club Member
i guess you pay feck all rent or much outgoings? must be mentally ill to say yes, thats fine to £5,400!! even if my mates had that kinda car at 19 and i had a 1.2 (which i did) i would still call them a r****d for doing so, i no its only money nd you can do what you want but come on its only insurance for a year!!
  Non Sport Megane

£500 per month on insurance. He's on the wind up right?


No wind up mate! :)

my old man paid it on his credit card, my rent in £120 a month, advantages of living at home, the only other outgoing i have it my phone bill, which is £35 a month
i owe my old man, about 4.5k :L paying him back slowly!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Lol, you'll be in debt then for next years insurance then what you going to do?

Also, factor in that on average you will have another crash so your premium will probably stay the same, if not go up.
  Clio 182
I paid £3800 on insurance on my first 182 when I was 18 which was bad enough! Amazing how as you get older your priorities change dramatically, there is no way on earth I would pay over £500 on insurance for any car any more!
  LY R26
Handling, acceleration, steering feel, the rawness...basically the whole character of the car. Not very common on the roads (not round here anyway) and last but not least cheap to run!.
There is no better car than an RS Clio until you start spending significantly more money. They're comfortable, fast, economical, well eqipt, look good an most of all they never fail to make you smile when you drive them.
  RB 182 FF
£5.4k..... Flipping hell I love my cars but no way would I part with that kind of money to insure any car!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just insane, especially for a Clio!!!!!!! I can't believe ur old man is willing to let you pay that much just to insure a car!! :S

On the other hand I love my 182 FF because-

*It looks good
*A lot of fun/fantastic handling
*Same performance as my old 3.0 V6 Alfa but far cheaper to run
*Love the amount of kit it has and love the interior
*And chicks love Clio's!:D
  260% JCW
Because they're cheap.

Also PMSL at all the MONGS who pay more than £2k to insure a Clio......... the guy who pays £5.4k deserves a medal......A stupidity medal.
Cheap, focussed and fun. I love the acceleration once you're up the revs a bit (e.g. approx 4k to 7k shift, repeat).

It puts a smile on my face :)

@whoever is paying 5.4k insurance, that is simply mental. Seriously nuts. Wait AT LEAST 3 years until you can afford -.-. I'm 20 with 3 yrs NCB, I'm paying the equivalent to £1,200 insurance (my renewal came up, I'm now tagged onto the last 2 months of a family multi-car policy where I can pick up a 4th year NCB, in my own name) which is extortionate I know, but I've done my induction of s**t cars so now I feel deserve it :p
  Non Sport Megane
Not feeling the love on here the last few days!
i know my insurance in extortionate! but its because i have had 3 crash's one of which wasnt my fault! which is still an open case! this was jan last year! as shes claiming for a passenger injury, that never actually existed!
But i love my car! and im in a fairly well payed job, so why cant i get a nice car that is enjoyable to drive, thats miles better than the previous cars iv owned (1.2 corsa and 1.4 saxo!)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Once you turn 24 ish you'll look back and realise how stupid you're being. Can you imagine what you could do with 500 a month?

There are quite a few experienced chaps on here that get shouted down for giving advice. People forget we've been there.


ClioSport Club Member
They're just good cheap fun.
Always missed my 182, and after a DC2, R26 and 330ci the Clio is still the best fun and value out of any.
  Non Sport Megane
i know, what i could be doing for £500 pound a month, but i fecking love my car, the 1st car iv genuinely enojyed owning! if the car gets too expensive for me to keep on the road, im thinking about selling her, and getting possibly a 1.6 fiesta zetec, or a VTR/S
That's a bold statement chap.

Its bold, and probably based on my own perception but if you look around though how many other cars can cover the basis of a ph1 172 for £1500, a 182 for £3500, a 197 for £7000 or a 200 for £10,000+

I'm talking same age, mileage etc.

I'm by no means saying that RS Clio's are the best cars in the world, but when you look at them for value for money they're hard to beat.
  Astra (H) VXR
My mortgage is only £570 a month which is probably the same as yor insurance. Lol oh well I do agree it's your money do with what you like.. I know a lad who pays a similar amount on his insurance.. However is drives a 600bhp supra and he is 21. With 3 years no claims...
But a clio 1*2 will still destroy it on a B Road!! BONUS!!!


ClioSport Club Member
I'm abit late to the party but did somebody say they pay almost 5 and a half grand to insure a Clio? I refuse to believe it.

Pound for pound an RS is hard to beat, hence the popularity. The community is a massive draw for me. When I had the Mini I hated the community and the forums.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Its bold, and probably based on my own perception but if you look around though how many other cars can cover the basis of a ph1 172 for £1500, a 182 for £3500, a 197 for £7000 or a 200 for £10,000+

I'm talking same age, mileage etc.

I'm by no means saying that RS Clio's are the best cars in the world, but when you look at them for value for money they're hard to beat.

Agreed. I'm still slack jawed at the price of 182's tbh. That's a lot of bloody car for the money.
  RB 182 FF
i know, what i could be doing for £500 pound a month, but i fecking love my car, the 1st car iv genuinely enojyed owning! if the car gets too expensive for me to keep on the road, im thinking about selling her, and getting possibly a 1.6 fiesta zetec, or a VTR/S

No one means to be harsh on you buddy, you do what you want with ur money:) But from experience living at home is the best time you'll ever have to save money, I can't stress enough how I wish I had saved serious money when I lived at home!!! You could be looking at a serious motor in a few years if you saved just that £500 a month on insurance let alone all the other bills with running a Clio Sport..... I know what I'd be doing now if I were you but that's only because I'm out the other side looking back at the mistake I made by blowing all my dosh when I lived at home!:S
  Non Sport Megane
Im in no rush to move out lol, so i wana have the Clio till at least CSS12! then i may thinking about selling it, and getting something alot more manageable insurance wise! then i will start saving some money, for my dream car, which i WILL own! got along way to go though! because iv always had a VERY string passion for subaru's! and would love an Subaru Impreza Cosworth Wrx Sti! all in good time!!
Jesus H Christ, what kind of fucked up boring teenager saves their money?!? f**k. That.

Spunk it up the wall on whatever takes your fancy I say. You're only young once. £5.4k on insuring a Clio is obscene and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but if that's what floats your boat then go for it. Hell, we had a grown man on here spending that much on a f**king push-bike and people were patting him on the back! Given a choice between a RS Clio and a push-bike I know which I'd be choosing.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
No one is really asking him to save all his money. Spunking £500 a month on insurance is verging on special needs. That's fact.


ClioSport Club Member
Once you turn 24 ish you'll look back and realise how stupid you're being. Can you imagine what you could do with 500 a month?

There are quite a few experienced chaps on here that get shouted down for giving advice. People forget we've been there.
A collegue of mine is paying £700pcm finance on a Merc something. I think it hit home when I told him thats how much I pay for my house lol.
  Non Sport Megane
Jesus H Christ, what kind of f**ked up boring teenager saves their money?!? f**k. That.

Spunk it up the wall on whatever takes your fancy I say. You're only young once. £5.4k on insuring a Clio is obscene and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but if that's what floats your boat then go for it. Hell, we had a grown man on here spending that much on a f**king push-bike and people were patting him on the back! Given a choice between a RS Clio and a push-bike I know which I'd be choosing.

REALLY?! id rather pay 5.4k to sit in a car in comfort, and get to my destination, smelling fresh, and looking dapper! then turning up sweating like an ogre and making everyone see how small your manly hood is by wearing SUPER tight fitting lycra!
