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  1. M

    Knocking noise

    ive got this problem, had my MOTon monday.. my coil springs are on their last leg so they failed it. Anything else that would of been causing my knocking noise would of been picked up by the MOT surely? Getting the coil springs replaced today... ill let you know if my knocking noise stops.
  2. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    what did it sound like? was it a nice loud sound or just a stupidly loud sound? lol
  3. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    haha why whats wrong with it? dont really know my car stuff.
  4. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    nice, the carbon fibre only cost me 15 quid. got it second hand. Can anyone send me a link to a decent one?
  5. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    What exhausts are you guys sporting?
  6. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    haha im abit of an indie kid, but hoping to mega chav it up and sell to some low life, make abit of cash.
  7. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    the back box is made of carbon fibre.
  8. M

    Carbon Fibre Exhaust

    Hi. Just bought a carbon fibre exhaust for my 52 plate Clio, took it to a garage for a quote to fit and they said about 80 quid. Surely this is too expensive? How much have you guys been charged to fit a new sports exhaust? They said something about having to make a bracket to hold it and...
  9. M

    Replacement Gear Knob

    Hi, Anyone know where i can buy a replacement gear knob for my 52 plate Clio Extreme? I just want the standard one with the blue piece in the middle, as the previous owner had put a cheesy silver blue one on. Any response would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  10. M

    Car almost stalling when setting off

    wheres the throttle body? sorry don't know my car stuff.
  11. M

    irratic idle and missfire

    ive got the same problem, is there an update?
  12. M

    Car almost stalling when setting off

    Hi, I have a 02 clio extreme, and when i set off (this is worse when the engines cold) the car shakes really bad and limps until i get to about 2k revs, then when i go into second it will limp a tiny abit until 2k revs. Also when the cars idle, the rev needle wont stay still and sometimes...
  13. M

    Please please help me

    I had this problem soon as i bought my 02 extreme. Stopped off at my nana's on the way home from buying it, went to get back in and start and nothing happened. Rang the dealer and he said must be the immobiliser, try turning the wheel etc. No luck. Rang the AA, they came out and had a...
  14. M


    lmao. Your title made me laugh.
  15. M

    Cannot Remove Gear Knob 16v Extreme 52 plate.

    yeah it was a right work out trying to get it off. must of been sawing for at least an hour.
  16. M

    Number Plate Question

    haha! well im 18 nailing a 2002 1.2... so id better get em changed :) thanks alot mate, appreciate it.
  17. M

    Squeaking inside the car somewhere?

    yep i get the exact same symptoms, my squeaking seems to be coming from the front wheels :S i get the shudder when the cars idle too. like at traffic lights etc. people have told me also its the fact the cars french :)
  18. M

    Number Plate Question

    hi, when i bought my clio, it had the scottish flag on the left.. and ive been told this is illegal? any one had any experience with this sort of thing? is it illegal? do i need to change my plates (i dont want a nasty fine) thanks.
  19. M

    Silver 1*2 Knottingley

    possibly me?? chinese tattoo on the rear? if i was following you - you might not of seen it lol
  20. M

    Cannot Remove Gear Knob 16v Extreme 52 plate.

    no sorry mate, didn't take any notice.
  21. M

    Cannot Remove Gear Knob 16v Extreme 52 plate.

    cool, managed to get it off last night with a saw... cut abit into it then pried it off with a screwdriver.
  22. M

    Some tw@t just smashed into me and drove off...

    did you have any luck finding him after work?
  23. M

    Cannot Remove Gear Knob 16v Extreme 52 plate.

    can someone PLEASE help me... I'm trying to replace my gear knob on my 52 plate clio extreme, ive managed to hack off the rubber surrounding but now i'm left with an awful looking plastic gear knob that i just can't remove. i've heard they're glued on. anybody got any idea's on how to get the...
  24. M

    How to remove dashboard on 52 plate V6 Clio Extreme

    hi, does anyone know how to remove the dashboard on my 52 16v extreme? i'm wanting to put some blue lights in behind my clocks. cheers.
  25. M

    Loud rubbing sound coming from front of car

    i've got the same problem, was meaning to put a post on here. look forward to finding out what it is.
  26. M

    Loud *CLUNK* noise when opening and closing passenger side window.

    hi, recently bought a 52 plate clio 16v 1.2, but when i open and close the passenger side window, at a certain point there is a quite a loud *CLUNK* noise, any ideas to what this might be, and how i can fix it? cheers!