greedy fookers i just got tax today for my 172 and it cost me 205 notes . right into browns pocket .. fooker petrol up in price and now my fuking tax . this country is getting worse . i have been staying in amsterdam for the past 6 years . been home for just over a year . this place is nuts . we r taxed to the hilt and no one talks out about it . what is it with the ppl of britain we just take what ever the gov make up and we just accept it . its nuts . soon we will all be working for nothing its a scam the whole goverment is a total bunch of crooks . i used to be proud to be british but i do have second thoughts about that . i could go on all f**king day about it . the taxes go up to support the imigrants i thing it must be ... god our country is in a right state and its thanks to the goverment . all i can say is we need a revolution in this country . the last time we was close to anything like that was in the maggie thatcher years . .... does anyone else have the same view on things .
just my tuppence worth
just my tuppence worth