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02 just stopped my account!!!!

  6/468 17poo
Ive had fraud done on my bank account and therefore had to cancel all my direct debits and the account and have told 02 twice that ill pay double next month and that was fine......and now they have barred me even though there is paper work on my account saying the situation!

And to topp it all off they are shut now!literally just blocked me!plus i havent received a new card becuase of the post strike!!

  Clio 182
bad times man, i no o2 can be a little gash. i was still being charged fora contract that i had cancelled 6 months earlier! they dont seem to know what the hell they are doing at times! how did you find out about the fraud? have they taken/spent much?

  BMW 330ci Clubsport
Tip: o2 don't manage information like this. They just tell you they will handle it then ignore it. The amount of times I've had to call them because they "Havnt been able to get funds" when there is plenty of money in the bank is rediculous
